Source code for shotgun_fields.shotgun_field_manager

# Copyright (c) 2016 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.

import sgtk
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore, QtGui
from .shotgun_field_delegate import ShotgunFieldDelegateGeneric, ShotgunFieldDelegate
from .shotgun_field_editable import ShotgunFieldEditable, ShotgunFieldNotEditable

shotgun_globals = sgtk.platform.import_framework(
    "tk-framework-shotgunutils", "shotgun_globals"

[docs]class ShotgunFieldManager(QtCore.QObject): """ Inherited from a :class:`~PySide.QtCore.QObject`, this class acts as a factory for the set of widgets that can display values from Shotgun in a way appropriate to their field type. :signals: ``initialized()`` - Fires when the manager has finished running all the background tasks it needs for its functionality :enum: ``DISPLAY, EDITOR, EDITABLE`` - Enumeration for widget types managed and provided by the class """ # dictionary that keeps the mapping from Shotgun data type to widget class __WIDGET_TYPE_CLS_MAP = {} # dictionary that keeps the mapping from Shotgun data type to widget class. # similar to ``__WIDGET_TYPE_CLS_MAP``, but this lookup stores widget classes # for specific entity+field combinations __ENTITY_FIELD_WIDGET_TYPE_CLS_MAP = {} # fires when we are ready to manage the widgets initialized = QtCore.Signal() # widget types enumeration _WIDGET_TYPES = (DISPLAY, EDITOR, EDITABLE) = ("display", "editor", "editable") ############################################################################ # class methods
[docs] @classmethod def get_class(cls, sg_entity_type, field_name, widget_type=DISPLAY): """ Returns the registered class associated with the field name for the supplied entity and widget type. ``widget_type`` must be one of the enum values ``DISPLAY``, ``EDITOR``, or ``EDITABLE`` defined by the manager class. The default is ``DISPLAY``. This method typically doens't need to be called. Use the :meth:`.create_widget` to get an instance of a registered class. :param str sg_entity_type: Shotgun entity type :param str field_name: Shotgun field name :param str widget_type: The type of widget class to return :returns: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget` class or ``None`` if the field type has no display widget :raises: :class:`ValueError` if the supplied ``widget_type`` is not known. """ if widget_type not in cls._WIDGET_TYPES: raise ValueError( "ShotgunFieldManager unable to retrieve fields of type: %s " % (widget_type,) ) # see if theres a widget class registered for this specific entity type # and field combination. entity_field_widget_cls = ( cls.__ENTITY_FIELD_WIDGET_TYPE_CLS_MAP.get(sg_entity_type, {}) .get(field_name, {}) .get(widget_type) ) if entity_field_widget_cls: # found a widget class for the specific entity+field+type combo return entity_field_widget_cls # fall back to the widget class for this field's data type data_type = shotgun_globals.get_data_type(sg_entity_type, field_name) return cls.__WIDGET_TYPE_CLS_MAP.get(data_type, {}).get(widget_type)
[docs] @classmethod def register_class(cls, field_type, widget_class, widget_type): """ Register a widget class for the given Shotgun field type. ``widget_type`` must be one of the enum values ``DISPLAY``, ``EDITOR``, or ``EDITABLE`` defined by the manager class. This method usually does not need to be called. Widget classes are typically registered as they are imported (when using the :class:`.ShotgunFieldMeta` class). If you wish to override widgets at a global level (across all entity types), you can call this method manually. To override a widget for a specific entity and field type combination, call the ``register_entity_field_class()`` method. :param str field_type: The data type of the field to associate with a type of widget :param widget_class: The display widget class to associate with the given field type :type widget_class: :class:`PySide.QtGui.QWidget` :param str widget_type: The type of widget class to register. :raises: :class:`ValueError` if the supplied ``widget_type`` is not known. """ if widget_type not in cls._WIDGET_TYPES: raise ValueError( "ShotgunFieldManager unable to register unrecognized widget type: %s " % (widget_type,) ) cls.__WIDGET_TYPE_CLS_MAP.setdefault(field_type, {})[widget_type] = widget_class
[docs] @classmethod def register_entity_field_class( cls, entity_type, field_name, widget_class, widget_type ): """ Similar to the ``register_class`` method, but registers a widget to be used with a specific entity type and field. This is provided to allow very specific widget customizations for displaying and editing fields when the default widgets are insufficient. Example usage includes ``checkbox`` fields (boolean values) where you may want to display an icon (or not) based on the field value rather than a standard ``QtGui.QCheckbox`` based widget. :param str entity_type: The entity type to register the widget class for :param str field_name: The name of the field to register the widget class for :param widget_class: The class of the widget to register for the entity type/field_name :type widget_class: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget` :param str widget_type: The type of widget to register. """ if widget_type not in cls._WIDGET_TYPES: raise ValueError( "ShotgunFieldManager unable to register unrecognized widgets type: %s " % (widget_type,) ) # register with a separate lookup specific to entity+field combo field_map = cls.__ENTITY_FIELD_WIDGET_TYPE_CLS_MAP.setdefault(entity_type, {}) field_map.setdefault(field_name, {})[widget_type] = widget_class
############################################################################ # special methods def __init__(self, parent, bg_task_manager=None): """ Initialize the field manager factory. :param parent: Parent object :type parent: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget` :param bg_task_manager: Optional Task manager. If this is not passed in one will be created when the object is initialized. :type bg_task_manager: :class:`~task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager` """ QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, parent) self._task_manager = bg_task_manager self._initialized = False def __del__(self): """ Destructor. Unregisters the field manager's background task manager. """ if self._initialized: shotgun_globals.unregister_bg_task_manager(self._task_manager) ############################################################################ # public methods
[docs] def create_delegate(self, sg_entity_type, field_name, view): """ Returns a delegate that can be used in the given view to show data from the given field from the given entity type. This delegate is designed to be used by items from a shotgun_model's additional columns. It assumes that the value for the field will be stored in the ``SG_ASSOCIATED_FIELD_ROLE`` (via the :class:`~tk-framework-shotgunutils:shotgun_model.ShotgunModel`) role of its current index. :param str sg_entity_type: Shotgun entity type :param str field_name: Shotgun field name :param view: The parent view for this delegate :type view: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget` :returns: A :class:`ShotgunFieldDelegate` configured to represent the given field """ display_class = self.get_class(sg_entity_type, field_name) if not display_class: from .label_base_widget import LabelBaseWidget display_class = LabelBaseWidget editor_class = self.get_class(sg_entity_type, field_name, self.EDITOR) return ShotgunFieldDelegate( sg_entity_type, field_name, display_class, editor_class, view, bg_task_manager=self._task_manager, )
[docs] def create_generic_delegate( self, sg_entity_type, field_name, view, field_data_role=QtCore.Qt.EditRole ): """ Returns a delegate that can be used in the given view to show data from the given field from the given entity type. Unlike ``create_delegate``, this method returns a delegate that can be used with any model representing PTR field data. The additional ``field_data_role`` parameter is supplied to tell the delegate wich role in the model will store the field data to edit/display. to be used by items :param str sg_entity_type: Shotgun entity type :param str field_name: Shotgun field name :param view: The parent view for this delegate :type view: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget` :param int field_data_role: The data role that stores PTR field data in the model where this delegate is to be used. The default value is ``QtCore.Qt.EditRole``. :returns: A :class:``ShotgunFieldDelegateGeneric`` configured to represent the given field """ display_class = self.get_class(sg_entity_type, field_name) if not display_class: from .label_base_widget import LabelBaseWidget display_class = LabelBaseWidget editor_class = self.get_class(sg_entity_type, field_name, self.EDITOR) return ShotgunFieldDelegateGeneric( sg_entity_type, field_name, display_class, editor_class, view, bg_task_manager=self._task_manager, field_data_role=field_data_role, )
[docs] def create_label(self, sg_entity_type, field_name, prefix=None, postfix=None): """ Returns a widget that can be used as a label for the given field. :param str sg_entity_type: Shotgun entity type :param str field_name: Shotgun field name :param str prefix: Additional text to prefix the field label. :param str postfix: Additional text to postfix the field label. :returns: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QLabel` """ display_name = shotgun_globals.get_field_display_name( sg_entity_type, field_name ) if prefix: display_name = prefix + display_name if postfix: display_name += postfix return QtGui.QLabel(display_name)
[docs] def create_widget( self, sg_entity_type, field_name, widget_type=EDITABLE, entity=None, parent=None, **kwargs ): """ Returns a widget associated with the entity and field type if a corresponding widget class been registered. ``widget_type`` must be one of the enum values ``DISPLAY``, ``EDITOR``, or ``EDITABLE`` defined by the manager class. If the entity is passed in and has the value for the requested field then the initial contents of the widget will display that value. Any keyword args other than those below will be passed to the constructor of whatever ``QWidget`` the field widget wraps. :param str sg_entity_type: Shotgun entity type :param str field_name: Shotgun field name :param str widget_type: The type of widget to return. :param dict entity: The Shotgun entity dictionary to pull the field value from. :param parent: Parent widget :type parent: :class:`PySide.QtGui.QWidget` :returns: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget` or ``None`` if the field type has no display widget """ if widget_type is self.EDITABLE: widget = self._create_editable_widget( sg_entity_type, field_name, entity, parent, **kwargs ) elif widget_type is self.EDITOR: widget = self._create_editor_widget( sg_entity_type, field_name, entity, parent, **kwargs ) elif widget_type is self.DISPLAY: widget = self._create_display_widget( sg_entity_type, field_name, entity, parent, **kwargs ) else: raise TypeError( "Unknown widget type supplied to ShotgunFieldManager." "create_widget: %s" % (widget_type,) ) return widget
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initialize the task manager. When initialization is complete the initialized signal will be emitted. """ if self._initialized: # already initialized return if self._task_manager is None: # create our own task manager if one wasn't passed in task_manager = sgtk.platform.import_framework( "tk-framework-shotgunutils", "task_manager" ) self._task_manager = task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager( parent=self, max_threads=1, start_processing=True ) # let shotgun globals start loading the schema shotgun_globals.register_bg_task_manager(self._task_manager) shotgun_globals.run_on_schema_loaded(self.__schema_loaded) self._initialized = True
[docs] def supported_fields(self, sg_entity_type, field_names, widget_type=None): """ Returns the subset of fields from field_names that have an associated widget class. Field_names may be in "bubbled" notation, for example "sg_task.Task.assignee". ``widget_type`` must be one of the enum values ``DISPLAY``, ``EDITOR``, or ``EDITABLE`` defined by the manager class or ``None``. If ``widget_type`` is ``None``, ``DISPLAY`` will be assumed. The default is to return a list of field names that have an associated display widget registered. :param str sg_entity_type: Shotgun entity type :param list field_names: An list of (:obj:`str`) Shotgun field names :param str widget_type: The type of widget class to check for support. :returns: The subset of ``field_names`` that have associated widget classes. """ supported_fields = [] widget_type = widget_type or self.DISPLAY # go through each of the supplied field names to see if widgets are defined for them for field_name in field_names: # handle bubbled field syntax if "." in field_name: (resolved_entity_type, resolved_field_name) = field_name.split(".")[-2:] else: (resolved_entity_type, resolved_field_name) = ( sg_entity_type, field_name, ) # see if this entity+field+type combo has a widget registered widget_cls = self.get_class( resolved_entity_type, resolved_field_name, widget_type ) if widget_cls: supported_fields.append(field_name) continue # if we're here, then no direct widget for the supplied entity+field # or data type. the only other possibility is if this is an editable # widget type request. if so, then the field may be supported by # the default editable widget combining a display & editor. see if # those exist for this entity+field if widget_type == self.EDITABLE: display_cls = self.get_class( resolved_entity_type, resolved_field_name, widget_type=self.DISPLAY ) editor_cls = self.get_class( resolved_entity_type, resolved_field_name, widget_type=self.EDITOR ) if display_cls and editor_cls: supported_fields.append(field_name) return supported_fields
############################################################################ # protected methods def _create_display_widget( self, sg_entity_type, field_name, entity=None, parent=None, **kwargs ): """ Returns an instance of the display widget registered for the supplied field type. If the entity is passed in and has the value for the requested field in it then the initial contents of the widget will display that value. Any keyword args other than those below will be passed to the constructor of whatever ``QWidget`` the field widget wraps. :param str sg_entity_type: Shotgun entity type :param str field_name: Shotgun field name :param entity: The Shotgun entity dictionary to pull the field value from. :type entity: Whatever is returned by the Shotgun API for this field :param parent: Parent widget :type parent: :class:`PySide.QtGui.QWidget` :returns: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget` or ``None`` if the field type has no display widget """ display_cls = self.get_class(sg_entity_type, field_name) widget = None if display_cls: # instantiate the widget widget = display_cls( parent=parent, entity_type=sg_entity_type, field_name=field_name, entity=entity, bg_task_manager=self._task_manager, **kwargs ) # registered classes can act as both display and editor. check to # see if the classes match, and if so, disable editing since only # display was requested. editor_cls = self.get_class(sg_entity_type, field_name, self.EDITOR) if editor_cls == display_cls: widget.enable_editing(False) return widget def _create_editor_widget( self, sg_entity_type, field_name, entity=None, parent=None, **kwargs ): """ Returns an instance of the editor widget registered for the supplied field type. If the entity is passed in and has the value for the requested field in it then the initial contents of the widget will edit that value. Any keyword args other than those below will be passed to the constructor of whatever ``QWidget`` the field widget wraps. :param str sg_entity_type: Shotgun entity type :param str field_name: Shotgun field name :param entity: The Shotgun entity dictionary to pull the field value from. :type entity: Whatever is returned by the Shotgun API for this field :param parent: Parent widget :type parent: :class:`PySide.QtGui.QWidget` :returns: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget` or ``None`` if the field type has no editor widget """ # check to make sure the field is editable. if it is not, return a # wrapped version of the display widget that indicates that the field # is not editable. if not shotgun_globals.field_is_editable(sg_entity_type, field_name): display_widget = self._create_display_widget( sg_entity_type, field_name, entity, parent, **kwargs ) if display_widget: return ShotgunFieldNotEditable(display_widget) else: # no guarantee that a display widget has been registered return None # the field is editable, try to get the editor class editor_cls = self.get_class(sg_entity_type, field_name, self.EDITOR) widget = None if editor_cls: # instantiate the widget widget = editor_cls( parent=parent, entity_type=sg_entity_type, field_name=field_name, entity=entity, bg_task_manager=self._task_manager, **kwargs ) # registered classes can act as both display and editor. check to # see if the classes match, and if so, make sure the editor is enabled display_cls = self.get_class(sg_entity_type, field_name) if display_cls == editor_cls: # display and edit classes are the same. we need to make sure # we enable the editing widget.enable_editing(True) return widget def _create_editable_widget( self, sg_entity_type, field_name, entity=None, parent=None, **kwargs ): """ Returns an instance of the editable widget registered for the supplied field type. If no editable widget is registered, a wrapped widget will be constructed using the registered display and editor widgets. If the entity is passed in and has the value for the requested field in it then the initial contents of the widget will edit that value. Any keyword args other than those below will be passed to the constructor of whatever ``QWidget`` the field widget wraps. :param str sg_entity_type: Shotgun entity type :param str field_name: Shotgun field name :param entity: The Shotgun entity dictionary to pull the field value from. :type entity: Whatever is returned by the Shotgun API for this field :param parent: Parent widget :type parent: :class:`PySide.QtGui.QWidget` :returns: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget` or ``None`` if the field type has no editable widget and one could not be constructed. """ editable_cls = self.get_class(sg_entity_type, field_name, self.EDITABLE) if editable_cls: # instantiate the widget widget = editable_cls( parent=parent, entity_type=sg_entity_type, field_name=field_name, entity=entity, bg_task_manager=self._task_manager, **kwargs ) return widget # no registered editable widget. that's ok, we'll try to construct one # with the registered display/editor classes using `ShotgunEditableWidget` # as a wrapper (stacked widget) display_cls = self.get_class(sg_entity_type, field_name) if not display_cls: # nothing to do if can't even display the field return None display_widget = self._create_display_widget( sg_entity_type, field_name, entity, parent, **kwargs ) # check to make sure the field is editable. if it is not, return a # wrapped version of the display widget that indicates that the field # is not editable. if not shotgun_globals.field_is_editable(sg_entity_type, field_name): return ShotgunFieldNotEditable(display_widget) editor_cls = self.get_class(sg_entity_type, field_name, self.EDITOR) if editor_cls and editor_cls == display_cls: # if the editor and display are the same, just return the editing # enabled version of the display widget. display_widget.enable_editing(True) return display_widget if not editor_cls: return ShotgunFieldNotEditable(display_widget) editor_widget = self._create_editor_widget( sg_entity_type, field_name, entity, parent, **kwargs ) # should have both a display and eidtor widget, wrap them up and return return ShotgunFieldEditable(display_widget, editor_widget, parent) ############################################################################ # private methods def __schema_loaded(self): """ Internal method that will be called when the schema is available. """ self.initialized.emit()
# import the actual field types to give them a chance to register from . import ( checkbox_widget, currency_widget, date_and_time_widget, date_widget, entity_widget, file_link_widget, float_widget, footage_widget, image_widget, list_widget, multi_entity_widget, number_widget, percent_widget, status_list_widget, tags_widget, text_widget, url_template_widget, ) # TODO: wait to register timecode field until the fps associated with this field # is available from the API from . import timecode_widget # TODO: wait to register duration field until display options for hours versus # days and of hours in a day are available to the API from . import duration_widget