Flow Production Tracking Search Completers

Global Search Completer

The global search completer is a QCompleter instance for use with widgets that allow input of Flow Production Tracking entities. The completer can be customized to search across a given set of entity types.

Once a user selects an object, a signal fires to indicate that an entity was activated.

class search_completer.GlobalSearchCompleter(parent=None)[source]

A standalone PySide.QtGui.QCompleter class for matching PTR entities to typed text.


entity_selected(str, int) - Provided for backward compatibility. entity_activated is emitted at the same time with an additional name value. Fires when someone selects an entity inside the search results. The returned parameters are entity type and entity id.


entity_activated(str, int, str) - Fires when someone activates an entity inside the search results. Essentially the same as entity_selected only the parameters returned are type, id and name.


MODE_LOADING, MODE_NOT_FOUND, MODE_RESULT - Used to identify the mode of an item in the completion list

Model role:

MODE_ROLE - Stores the mode of an item in the completion list (see modes above)

Model role:

SG_DATA_ROLE - Role for storing shotgun data in the model


parent (QWidget) – Parent widget


Return the entity data for the supplied model index or None if there is no data for the supplied index.


model_index (QModelIndex) – The index of the model to return the result for.


The entity dict for the supplied model index.

Return type:

dict: or None


Specify a dictionary of entity types with optional search filters to limit the breadth of the widget’s search.

Use this method to override the default searchable entity types dictionary which looks like this:

  "Asset": [],
  "Shot": [],
  "Task": [],
  "HumanUser": [["sg_status_list", "is", "act"]],    # only active users
  "Group": [],
  "ClientUser": [["sg_status_list", "is", "act"]],   # only active users
  "ApiUser": [],
  "Version": [],
  "PublishedFile": [],

types_dict – A dictionary of searchable types with optional filters

blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
caseSensitivity(self) PySide2.QtCore.Qt.CaseSensitivity
childEvent(self, event: PySide2.QtCore.QChildEvent) None
children(self) List[PySide2.QtCore.QObject]

Manually clear the contents of the completer’s popup view.

complete(self, rect: PySide2.QtCore.QRect = Default(QRect)) None
completionColumn(self) int
completionCount(self) int
completionMode(self) PySide2.QtWidgets.QCompleter.CompletionMode
completionModel(self) PySide2.QtCore.QAbstractItemModel
completionPrefix(self) str
completionRole(self) int
static connect(arg__1: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, arg__2: bytes, arg__3: Callable, type: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) bool
static connect(self, arg__1: bytes, arg__2: Callable, type: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) bool
static connect(self, arg__1: bytes, arg__2: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, arg__3: bytes, type: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) bool
static connect(self, sender: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, signal: bytes, member: bytes, type: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject.Connection
static connect(sender: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, signal: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod, receiver: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, method: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod, type: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject.Connection
static connect(sender: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, signal: bytes, receiver: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, member: bytes, type: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject.Connection
connectNotify(self, signal: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod) None
currentCompletion(self) str
currentIndex(self) PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex
currentRow(self) int
customEvent(self, event: PySide2.QtCore.QEvent) None
deleteLater(self) None

Should be called before the widget is closed

static disconnect(arg__1: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject.Connection) bool
static disconnect(arg__1: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, arg__2: bytes, arg__3: Callable) bool
static disconnect(self, arg__1: bytes, arg__2: Callable) bool
static disconnect(self, receiver: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, member: Optional[bytes] = None) bool
static disconnect(self, signal: bytes, receiver: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, member: bytes) bool
static disconnect(sender: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, signal: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod, receiver: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, member: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod) bool
static disconnect(sender: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, signal: bytes, receiver: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, member: bytes) bool
disconnectNotify(self, signal: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod) None
dumpObjectInfo(self) None
dumpObjectTree(self) None
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[PySide2.QtCore.QByteArray]
emit(self, arg__1: bytes, *args: None) bool
event(self, arg__1: PySide2.QtCore.QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, o: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, e: PySide2.QtCore.QEvent) bool
filterMode(self) PySide2.QtCore.Qt.MatchFlags
findChild(self, arg__1: type, arg__2: str = '') object
findChildren(self, arg__1: type, arg__2: PySide2.QtCore.QRegExp) Iterable
findChildren(self, arg__1: type, arg__2: PySide2.QtCore.QRegularExpression) Iterable
findChildren(self, arg__1: type, arg__2: str = '') Iterable

Returns the result from the current item in the completer popup or None if there is no current item.


The entity dict for the current result

Return type:

dict: or None


Returns the first result from the current item in the completer popup or None if there are no results.


The entity dict for the first result

Return type:

dict: or None

inherits(self, classname: bytes) bool
installEventFilter(self, filterObj: PySide2.QtCore.QObject) None
isSignalConnected(self, signal: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
killTimer(self, id: int) None
maxVisibleItems(self) int
metaObject(self) PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject
model(self) PySide2.QtCore.QAbstractItemModel
modelSorting(self) PySide2.QtWidgets.QCompleter.ModelSorting
moveToThread(self, thread: PySide2.QtCore.QThread) None
objectName(self) str
parent(self) PySide2.QtCore.QObject
pathFromIndex(self, index: PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex) str
popup(self) PySide2.QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView
property(self, name: bytes) Any
receivers(self, signal: bytes) int
static registerUserData() int
removeEventFilter(self, obj: PySide2.QtCore.QObject) None

Triggers the popup to display results based on the supplied text.


text – current contents of editor

sender(self) PySide2.QtCore.QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setCaseSensitivity(self, caseSensitivity: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.CaseSensitivity) None
setCompletionColumn(self, column: int) None
setCompletionMode(self, mode: PySide2.QtWidgets.QCompleter.CompletionMode) None
setCompletionPrefix(self, prefix: str) None
setCompletionRole(self, role: int) None
setCurrentRow(self, row: int) bool
setFilterMode(self, filterMode: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.MatchFlags) None
setMaxVisibleItems(self, maxItems: int) None
setModel(self, c: PySide2.QtCore.QAbstractItemModel) None
setModelSorting(self, sorting: PySide2.QtWidgets.QCompleter.ModelSorting) None
setObjectName(self, name: str) None
setParent(self, parent: PySide2.QtCore.QObject) None
setPopup(self, popup: PySide2.QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView) None
setProperty(self, name: bytes, value: Any) bool
setWidget(self, widget: PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget) None
setWrapAround(self, wrap: bool) None

Specify the background task manager to use to pull data in the background. Data calls to Shotgun will be dispatched via this object.


task_manager (BackgroundTaskManager) – Background task manager to use

signalsBlocked(self) bool
splitPath(self, path: str) List[str]
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.TimerType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.TimerType.CoarseTimer) int
thread(self) PySide2.QtCore.QThread
timerEvent(self, event: PySide2.QtCore.QTimerEvent) None
tr(self, arg__1: bytes, arg__2: bytes = b'', arg__3: int = -1) str
widget(self) PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget
wrapAround(self) bool

Hierarchical Search Completer

The hierarchical search completer is a QCompleter instance for use with widgets that allow input of Flow Production Tracking entities. The completer can be customized to search in a site’s complete hierarchy or in a single project.

Once a user selects an object, a signal fires to indicate that a node from the hierarchy was selected.

class search_completer.HierarchicalSearchCompleter(parent=None)[source]

A standalone PySide.QtGui.QCompleter class for matching PTR entities to typed text.

If defaults to searching inside the current context’s project and to only show entities.


node_activated(str, int, str, str, list) - Fires when someone activates a node inside the search results. The parameters are type, id, name, label_path and incremental_path. If the node activated is not an entity, type and id will be None.


MODE_LOADING, MODE_NOT_FOUND, MODE_RESULT - Used to identify the mode of an item in the completion list

Model role:

MODE_ROLE - Stores the mode of an item in the completion list (see modes above)

Model role:

SG_DATA_ROLE - Role for storing shotgun data in the model


parent (QWidget) – Parent widget

property search_root

The entity under which the search will be done. If None, the search will be done for the whole site.

The entity is a dict with keys id and type. Note that only Project entities are supported at the moment.

property show_entities_only

Indicates if only entities will be shown in the search results.

If set to True, only entities will be shown.

property seed_entity_field

The seed entity to use when searching for entity.

Can be PublishedFile.entity or Version.entity.

blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
caseSensitivity(self) PySide2.QtCore.Qt.CaseSensitivity
childEvent(self, event: PySide2.QtCore.QChildEvent) None
children(self) List[PySide2.QtCore.QObject]

Manually clear the contents of the completer’s popup view.

complete(self, rect: PySide2.QtCore.QRect = Default(QRect)) None
completionColumn(self) int
completionCount(self) int
completionMode(self) PySide2.QtWidgets.QCompleter.CompletionMode
completionModel(self) PySide2.QtCore.QAbstractItemModel
completionPrefix(self) str
completionRole(self) int
static connect(arg__1: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, arg__2: bytes, arg__3: Callable, type: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) bool
static connect(self, arg__1: bytes, arg__2: Callable, type: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) bool
static connect(self, arg__1: bytes, arg__2: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, arg__3: bytes, type: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) bool
static connect(self, sender: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, signal: bytes, member: bytes, type: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject.Connection
static connect(sender: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, signal: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod, receiver: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, method: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod, type: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject.Connection
static connect(sender: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, signal: bytes, receiver: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, member: bytes, type: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject.Connection
connectNotify(self, signal: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod) None
currentCompletion(self) str
currentIndex(self) PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex
currentRow(self) int
customEvent(self, event: PySide2.QtCore.QEvent) None
deleteLater(self) None

Should be called before the widget is closed

static disconnect(arg__1: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject.Connection) bool
static disconnect(arg__1: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, arg__2: bytes, arg__3: Callable) bool
static disconnect(self, arg__1: bytes, arg__2: Callable) bool
static disconnect(self, receiver: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, member: Optional[bytes] = None) bool
static disconnect(self, signal: bytes, receiver: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, member: bytes) bool
static disconnect(sender: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, signal: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod, receiver: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, member: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod) bool
static disconnect(sender: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, signal: bytes, receiver: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, member: bytes) bool
disconnectNotify(self, signal: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod) None
dumpObjectInfo(self) None
dumpObjectTree(self) None
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[PySide2.QtCore.QByteArray]
emit(self, arg__1: bytes, *args: None) bool
event(self, arg__1: PySide2.QtCore.QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, o: PySide2.QtCore.QObject, e: PySide2.QtCore.QEvent) bool
filterMode(self) PySide2.QtCore.Qt.MatchFlags
findChild(self, arg__1: type, arg__2: str = '') object
findChildren(self, arg__1: type, arg__2: PySide2.QtCore.QRegExp) Iterable
findChildren(self, arg__1: type, arg__2: PySide2.QtCore.QRegularExpression) Iterable
findChildren(self, arg__1: type, arg__2: str = '') Iterable

Returns the result from the current item in the completer popup or None if there is no current item.


The entity dict for the current result

Return type:

dict: or None


Returns the first result from the current item in the completer popup or None if there are no results.


The entity dict for the first result

Return type:

dict: or None

inherits(self, classname: bytes) bool
installEventFilter(self, filterObj: PySide2.QtCore.QObject) None
isSignalConnected(self, signal: PySide2.QtCore.QMetaMethod) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
killTimer(self, id: int) None
maxVisibleItems(self) int
metaObject(self) PySide2.QtCore.QMetaObject
model(self) PySide2.QtCore.QAbstractItemModel
modelSorting(self) PySide2.QtWidgets.QCompleter.ModelSorting
moveToThread(self, thread: PySide2.QtCore.QThread) None
objectName(self) str
parent(self) PySide2.QtCore.QObject
pathFromIndex(self, index: PySide2.QtCore.QModelIndex) str
popup(self) PySide2.QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView
property(self, name: bytes) Any
receivers(self, signal: bytes) int
static registerUserData() int
removeEventFilter(self, obj: PySide2.QtCore.QObject) None

Triggers the popup to display results based on the supplied text.


text – current contents of editor

sender(self) PySide2.QtCore.QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setCaseSensitivity(self, caseSensitivity: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.CaseSensitivity) None
setCompletionColumn(self, column: int) None
setCompletionMode(self, mode: PySide2.QtWidgets.QCompleter.CompletionMode) None
setCompletionPrefix(self, prefix: str) None
setCompletionRole(self, role: int) None
setCurrentRow(self, row: int) bool
setFilterMode(self, filterMode: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.MatchFlags) None
setMaxVisibleItems(self, maxItems: int) None
setModel(self, c: PySide2.QtCore.QAbstractItemModel) None
setModelSorting(self, sorting: PySide2.QtWidgets.QCompleter.ModelSorting) None
setObjectName(self, name: str) None
setParent(self, parent: PySide2.QtCore.QObject) None
setPopup(self, popup: PySide2.QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView) None
setProperty(self, name: bytes, value: Any) bool
setWidget(self, widget: PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget) None
setWrapAround(self, wrap: bool) None

Specify the background task manager to use to pull data in the background. Data calls to Shotgun will be dispatched via this object.


task_manager (BackgroundTaskManager) – Background task manager to use

signalsBlocked(self) bool
splitPath(self, path: str) List[str]
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: PySide2.QtCore.Qt.TimerType = PySide2.QtCore.Qt.TimerType.CoarseTimer) int
thread(self) PySide2.QtCore.QThread
timerEvent(self, event: PySide2.QtCore.QTimerEvent) None
tr(self, arg__1: bytes, arg__2: bytes = b'', arg__3: int = -1) str
widget(self) PySide2.QtWidgets.QWidget
wrapAround(self) bool

Returns an item from the result list.

Here’s an example:

    "label": "bunny_020",
    "incremental_path": [
    "path_label": "Shots",
    "ref": {
        "id": 5,
        "type": "Sequence"
    "project_id": 65

model_index (QModelIndex) – The index of the model to return the result for.


The dict for the supplied model index.

Return type:

dict or None