Source code for filtering.filter_menu

# Copyright (c) 2021 Autodesk Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the ShotGrid Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the ShotGrid Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Autodesk Inc.

import sgtk
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore, QtGui
from sgtk.util import sgre as re

from .filter_definition import FilterMenuFiltersDefinition
from .filter_item import FilterItem
from .filter_item_widget import (
from .filter_menu_group import FilterMenuGroup

shotgun_menus = sgtk.platform.current_bundle().import_module("shotgun_menus")
ShotgunMenu = shotgun_menus.ShotgunMenu

shotgun_model = sgtk.platform.import_framework(
    "tk-framework-shotgunutils", "shotgun_model"
ShotgunModel = shotgun_model.ShotgunModel

sg_qicons = sgtk.platform.current_bundle().import_module("sg_qicons")
SGQIcon = sg_qicons.SGQIcon

sg_qwidgets = sgtk.platform.current_bundle().import_module("sg_qwidgets")
SGQPushButton = sg_qwidgets.SGQPushButton
SGQToolButton = sg_qwidgets.SGQToolButton

class NoCloseOnActionTriggerShotgunMenu(ShotgunMenu):
    """ShotgunMenu subclass that prevents the menu from closing when an action is triggered."""

    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
        Override the QMenu method.

        This is a trick to preventing the menu from closing when one of its actions are triggered.

        :param event: The QT mouse event
        :type event: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QMouseEvent`

        action = self.activeAction()
        if action and action.isEnabled():
            super(NoCloseOnActionTriggerShotgunMenu, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event)
            super(NoCloseOnActionTriggerShotgunMenu, self).mouseReleaseEvent(event)

[docs]class FilterMenu(NoCloseOnActionTriggerShotgunMenu): """ A menu that provides filtering functionality. How the menu's filter options are built: A QSortFilterProxyModel is set for the menu, and the filter menu options reflect the data in the model. The menu's FilterDefinition processes the model data and constructs a dictionary of data that contains the filter data for each of the model items. The FilterDefintion is then used to populate the menu with the filter QAction/QWidgetAction items. When the menu is updated/refreshed: The filter menu is refreshed based on the current model data on showing the menu, to ensure the filter options reflect the current model data accurately. The menu is also refreshed when the filter options are modified, which changes the model data. The menu may also be forced to be refreshed on calling the `refresh` method with param `force` as True. Example usage:: # Create the menu filter_menu = FilterMenu(parent) # Set the proxy model that contains the data to be filtered on. This must be called # before the menu is initialized since the menu requires a model to build the filter # items (if there is no model, there will be no filter options. The proxy model must # inherit from the QSortFilterProxyModel class. # # If 'connect_signals' is True, the filter model is also expected to have the method # 'set_filter_items'; the FilterItemProxyModel and FilterItemTreeProxyModel classes # implement this method, and are designed to work with this FilterMenu class. # # If `connect_signals` is not True, the caller will need to connect to the signal # `filters_changed` signal, which the menu emits, when filters have been modified and # the proxy model requires updating. filter_menu.set_filter_model(proxy_model, connect_signals=True) # Initialize the menu. This will clear the menu and set up the static menu actions (e.g. # "Clear Filters", "More Filters") and refresh the menu to display available filter # options (if the model has any data loaded). filter_menu.initialize_menu() # Create a QToolButton and set the filter menu on it. The FilterMenuButton class is not # required, any QToolButton class may be used. The benefit of the FilterMenuButton class # is that it is designed to work with the FilterMenu specfically, for example, the icon # will be updated when the menu has active filtering to visually indicate the data is # filtered. filter_button = FilterMenuButton(parent) filter_button.setMenu(filter_menu) Optional:: # By default, the filter menu options are built from the menu's model data, and the # model item data role, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, is used to extract the data from the model. # This can be overriden by using `set_filter_roles` and providing a new list of roles # that will be used to extract the model data. self._filter_menu.set_filter_roles( [ QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, filter_menu.proxy_model.SOME_ITEM_DATA_ROLE, ... ] ) # Call `set_ignore_fields` to ignore certain data when building the filters. filter_menu.set_ignore_fields( [ "{ROLE}.{FIELD_NAME}, # For non PTR data, fields are of the format "role.field", e.g. "" "{SG_ENTITY_TYPE}.{FIELD_NAME}", # For PTR data, fields are of the format "entity_type.field", e.g. "Task.code" ] ) """ # Signal emitted when the filters have changed by modifying the menu options/actions. filters_changed = QtCore.Signal() # Signal emitted when menu is about to do a complete refresh (e.g. call refresh method) menu_about_to_be_refreshed = QtCore.Signal() # Signal emitted when menu is finished a complete refreshing (e.g. exit refresh method) menu_refreshed = QtCore.Signal() def __init__( self, parent=None, refresh_on_show=True, bg_task_manager=None, dock_widget=None ): """ Constructor :param parent: The parent widget. :type parent: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtWidget` :param refresh_on_show: True will ensure the menu is up to date on show by always refreshing the filters before showing. This will slow performance on menu open, but ensures the data is the most up to date. To only refresh the menu on show on demand, set the `refresh_on_show` property instead of this parm on init. :type refresh_on_show: bool :param bg_task_manager: An instance of a Background Task Manager that could be used to perform background task processing. :type bg_task_manager: :class:`~task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager` :param dock_widget: Optional widget that the filters can be shown in. :type dock_widget: QtGui.QWidget | QtGui.QScrollArea """ super(FilterMenu, self).__init__(parent) # The filters definitions that are built based on the current model data, and which are used # to build the filter menu UI. self._filters_def = FilterMenuFiltersDefinition(self) # Set the project id for the filters definition to allow handling PTR data. bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle() if bundle.tank.pipeline_configuration.is_site_configuration(): self._filters_def.default_sg_project_id = None else: self._filters_def.default_sg_project_id = ( bundle.tank.pipeline_configuration.get_project_id() ) # The Background Task Manager shared instance, useful when dealing with ShotGrid Filter Menu self._task_manager = bg_task_manager # A mapping of field id (group) to list of FilterMenuGroup objects. self._filter_groups = {} # A mapping of field id to whether or not that group of filters is visible. self._field_visibility = {} # Set up the dock widget for the filters. Start in undocked state. if dock_widget and isinstance(dock_widget, QtGui.QScrollArea): self.__dock_widget_parent = dock_widget self.__dock_widget = dock_widget.widget() else: self.__dock_widget_parent = None self.__dock_widget = dock_widget self.__set_docked(False) # Menu static actions self.__more_filters_menu = None # Dock action widgets if self.dock_widget: # Undock button for dock widget self.__undock_widget = SGQToolButton(self.dock_widget) self.__undock_widget.setObjectName("filter_menu_dock_widget_undock_button") self.__undock_widget.setChecked(False) self.__undock_widget.setCheckable(False) self.__undock_widget.setIcon(SGQIcon.red_bullet()) self.__undock_widget.clicked.connect(self.undock_filters) # Clear All Filtesr button for dock widget self.__clear_widget = SGQToolButton(self.dock_widget) self.__clear_widget.setObjectName( "filter_menu_dock_widget_clear_all_filters_button" ) self.__clear_widget.setChecked(False) self.__clear_widget.setCheckable(False) self.__clear_widget.setText("Clear All Filters") sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy( QtGui.QSizePolicy.Maximum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Maximum ) self.__clear_widget.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.__clear_widget.clicked.connect(self.clear_filters) # More Filtesr button for dock widget self.__more_filters_menu_button = SGQToolButton(self.dock_widget) self.__more_filters_menu_button.setText("More Filters") self.__more_filters_menu_button.setObjectName( "filter_menu_dock_widget_more_filters_button" ) self.__more_filters_menu_button.setChecked(False) self.__more_filters_menu_button.setCheckable(False) sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy( QtGui.QSizePolicy.Maximum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Maximum ) self.__more_filters_menu_button.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy) self.__more_filters_menu_button.setPopupMode(QtGui.QToolButton.InstantPopup) else: self.__undock_widget = None self.__clear_widget = None self.__more_filters_menu_button = None # The filter model and its source model, that the filters in this menu are built bsaed on. self._proxy_model = None self._source_model = None # Flag indicating the the menu is currently being refreshed self._is_refreshing = False # Flag indicating that the menu is restoring its filter state. This is used to avoid # menu refreshes for each filter state retored, and instead having a single refresh at # the end. self._block_signals = False # This is the state of the menu that is waiting to be restored. An app may attempt to # restore the filter menu state, but it may not be ready to be restored. Store the # state to restore until the menu is ready to do so. self._restore_state = {} # Flag indicating if the menu should ALWAYS refresh right before it is shown. This # will ensure the menu is the most up to date with the current data; however it will # take longer for the menu to pop open. self.__always_refresh_on_show = refresh_on_show # Flag indicating if the menu should refresh on NEXT time it is shown. This flag will # be toggled off after the next time it is shown. self.__refresh_on_show = False # Connect signals/slots self.aboutToShow.connect(self._about_to_show) # Initialize the active filter as an AND group filter item, where filter items will be added # based on menu selection. self._active_filter = FilterItem.create_group(FilterItem.FilterOp.AND) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Properties @property def active_filter(self): """Get the current active filters that are set within the menu.""" return self._active_filter @property def has_filtering(self): """Get whether or not the menu has any active filtering.""" return bool(self._active_filter and self._active_filter.filters) @property def more_filters_menu(self): """Get the 'More Filters' submenu in the filter menu.""" return self.__more_filters_menu @property def refresh_on_show(self): """Get or set the property to refresh menu before showing.""" return self.__refresh_on_show @refresh_on_show.setter def refresh_on_show(self, refresh): self.__refresh_on_show = refresh @property def docked(self): """ Get or set the docked state of the Filter Menu. This will always return False if the menu does not have a dock widget. When True, the filters are shown in the dock widget, instead of the menu itself. """ return self.__docked if self.dock_widget else False @property def dock_widget(self): """Get the dock widget for the Filter Menu.""" return self.__dock_widget # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Static methods
[docs] @staticmethod def set_widget_action_default_widget_value(widget_action, checked): """ Convenience method to set the QWidgetAction's default widget's value to the checked value of the QWidgetAction. This is mainly used by the QWidgetAction's triggered callback to handle different triggered signal signatures between Qt versions. """ widget_action.defaultWidget().set_value(widget_action.isChecked())
@staticmethod def _get_search_filter_field_id(filter_id): """ Convenience method to get the field id from the filter id. :param filter_id: The id for the search filter item widget. :type: str :return: The field id that the search filter item widget refers to. :rtype: str """ return re.sub(r".{}$".format(str(SearchFilterItemWidget)), "", filter_id) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public methods
[docs] def is_empty(self): """Return True if the menu has any filters to show.""" return self._filters_def.is_empty()
[docs] def get_filters_container(self): """ Get the current parent widget for the filters. The filters may move between the menu itself and the dock widget, thus the parent widget will change depending on the dock state. """ return self.dock_widget if self.docked else self
[docs] def set_visible_fields(self, fields): """ Set the filters that belong to any of the given fields to be visible. :param fields: The filters within the given fields will be shown. :type fields: list<str> """ if not fields: return for field in fields: self._field_visibility[field] = True
[docs] def set_accept_fields(self, fields): """ Set the fields to ignore when building the filter definition for the menu. :param fields: The fields to ignore :type fields: list<str> """ self._filters_def.accept_fields = fields
[docs] def set_ignore_fields(self, fields): """ Set the fields to ignore when building the filter definition for the menu. :param fields: The fields to ignore :type fields: list<str> """ self._filters_def.ignore_fields = fields
[docs] def set_use_fully_qualifiied_name(self, use): """ Set the flag to use the fully qualified name for filters. For example, a filter item representing PTR data will prefix the filter name with the entity type. :param use: True will show fully qualified names for filters. :type use: bool """ self._filters_def.use_fully_qualified_name = use
[docs] def set_filter_roles(self, roles): """ Set the list of model item data roles that are used to extract data from the model, in order to build the menu filters. """ self._filters_def.filter_roles = roles
[docs] def set_tree_level(self, level): """ Set the model tree index level which the filters will be built from. This is to handle tree models that defer loading data, set this to the expected leaf node level. """ self._filters_def.tree_level = level
[docs] def has_role(self, roles, check_existence=True): """ Check if the filter menu is built using the model item data roles. :param check_existence: True will return a bool indicating if at least one of the roles is in the filter menu's filter roles, else False. False will return the list of roles that are in the filter menu's filter roles. :type check_existence: bool :return: If check_existence, then True is returned if any of the roles given are used by the filter menu, else False. If check_existence is False, then from the list of the given roles, only the roles that are used in the filter menu will be returned. :rtype: bool | List[int] """ result = [] for role in roles: for filter_role in self._filters_def.filter_roles: if role == filter_role: if check_existence: return True result.append(role) return False if check_existence else result
[docs] def save_state(self): """ Save the current menu filter state. :return: The current menu filter state that can be used to restore the menu state at a later time. :rtype: dict """ state = {} for field_id, visible in self._field_visibility.items(): if not visible or field_id not in self._filters_def._definition: # Do not attempt to restore hidden fields. continue state.setdefault(field_id, {}) filter_items = self._get_filter_group_items(field_id) for filter_item in filter_items: action = self._get_filter_group_action(field_id, widget = action.defaultWidget() if widget.has_value(): filter_data = self._filters_def.get_filter_data( field_id, ) if filter_data is None: # Search text filter filter_data = widget.value else: filter_data["default_value"] = widget.value # Remove the icon since a QtGui.QIcon may not be able to be stored in # QSettings. The icon can be recreated from the icon_path field. if "icon" in filter_data: del filter_data["icon"] state[field_id][] = filter_data if self._restore_state: # Part of the menu state was never restored, merge it with the current state to save. for field_id, filter_items in self._restore_state.items(): if field_id not in state: state[field_id] = filter_items else: for item_id, item_data in filter_items.items(): state[field_id][item_id] = item_data return state
[docs] def restore_state(self, state): """ Restore the menu with the given state. If the menu has not been built yet, the state will be restored on first build. :param state: The menu state to restore. :type state: dict """ if self._filters_def.is_empty(): # State will be restored when the menu is first built. self._restore_state = state return self._restore_state = self._restore_filter_definition(state) self._emit_filters_changed()
[docs] def set_filter_model(self, filter_model, connect_signals=True): """ Set the source and proxy models that define the filter menu options. :param filter_model: The model that is used to build the menu filters. :type filter_model: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QSortFilterProxyModel` :param connect_signals: Whether or not to connect model signals to the appropriate filter menu methods; e.g. model layoutChanged will rebuild the menu. :type connect_signals: bool """ assert hasattr( filter_model, "sourceModel" ), "Filter model must be a subclass of QSortFilterProxyModel" assert hasattr( filter_model, "set_filter_items" ), "Filter model must have attribute `set_filter_items`" if self._proxy_model: try: self._proxy_model.modelAboutToBeReset.disconnect( self.menu_about_to_be_refreshed ) self._proxy_model.layoutChanged.disconnect(self.update_filters) except RuntimeError: # Signals were never connected pass self._proxy_model = filter_model self._source_model = filter_model.sourceModel() self._filters_def.proxy_model = self._proxy_model try: # Attempt to disable the HierarchicalFilteringProxyModel caching mechanism, this caching # mechanism does not play nice with the filter menu. # TODO make the filter menu work with the caching mechanism self._proxy_model.enable_caching(False) except AttributeError: # This proxy model does not have a the caching mechanism we want to disable, continue on. pass if connect_signals: self._proxy_model.modelAboutToBeReset.connect( self.menu_about_to_be_refreshed ) self._proxy_model.layoutChanged.connect(self.update_filters)
[docs] @sgtk.LogManager.log_timing def refresh(self, force=False): """ Refresh the filter menu. This operation will rebuild the underlying filter definition that the filter menu is built from. The filter definition is built based on the current filter model data. The filter menu widgets will be cleared and rebuilt. The current menu state will be saved before rebuild, and restored once the refresh operation is complete. Emits `menu_refreshed` signal once refresh is done. """ if self._is_refreshing and not force: return # Start the menu refresh. self._is_refreshing = True try: # Save the menu state before rebuilding it. It will be restored when the refresh # has completed. state = self.save_state() self.clear_menu() # First build only the filter groupings. Individual filters will only be built # once it is known they are visible, as it will be a wasted effor to build any # filters that are hidden. # Now update the necessary individual filters self._filters_def.update_filters(state.keys()) # The menu widgets are built from the filter definition and state, so restore the # menu state before rebuilding the widgets self._restore_state = self._restore_filter_definition(state) # Create the filter menu actions and widgets based on the filter definition. self._build_menu_widgets() # After menu has been rebuilt, emit signal that filters have changed to apply the # current filtering from the menu. self._emit_filters_changed() finally: self._is_refreshing = False self.menu_refreshed.emit()
[docs] def update_filters(self, filter_group_ids=None): """Update only the active/visible filters in the menu.""" if self._block_signals: return # Refresh the counts of the visible filters. if filter_group_ids: fields_to_refresh = filter_group_ids else: filter_group_ids = [ field_id for field_id, visible in self._field_visibility.items() if visible ] fields_to_refresh = None self._filters_def.update_filters(filter_group_ids) self._refresh_menu_widgets(field_ids=fields_to_refresh)
[docs] def clear_menu(self): """ Clear any active filters that are set in the menu. Clear the internal menu data and remove all items from the menu. """ # Clear any filter values set by the menu. self.clear_filters() # Clear the widgets from the dock. Delete the widgets else widgets will not be cleaned # up properly after refresh. self.__clear_dock_widget(delete_widgets=True) # Call the base QMenu clear method self.clear() # Reset the internal menu data members self._filter_groups = {} self._filters_def.clear() if self.__more_filters_menu: self.__more_filters_menu.clear()
[docs] def clear_filters(self, filter_group_ids=None): """Clear any active filtesr that are set in the menu.""" if not self._filter_groups: # No filters to clear. return # Do not trigger any signals while clearing the filters. restore_state = self.blockSignals(True) # Set our manual block signals flag since the Qt method to block does not work when # we mnaully trigger signals (e.g. call setChecked on a checkbox) restore_block_signals_state = self._block_signals self._block_signals = True # Only emit a change if the menu actually had active filters. had_value = False # Get the filter groups to clear if filter_group_ids: filter_groups = [] num_groups = len(filter_group_ids) for group_id, filter_group in self._filter_groups.items(): if group_id in filter_group_ids: filter_groups.append(filter_group) if len(filter_groups) == num_groups: # Found all groups, exit early break else: # Not specified, clear all. filter_groups = self._filter_groups.values() try: for filter_group in filter_groups: for action in filter_group.filter_actions.values(): filter_item_widget = action.defaultWidget() if action.isChecked() or filter_item_widget.has_value(): had_value = True # Uncheck the QAction. action.setChecked(False) # Clear the value from the FilterItemWidget. filter_item_widget.clear_value() if filter_group.search_filter_action: search_filter_widget = ( filter_group.search_filter_action.defaultWidget() ) if search_filter_widget.has_value(): had_value = True search_filter_widget.clear_value() finally: # Ensure the signals are unblocked. self.blockSignals(restore_state) self._block_signals = restore_block_signals_state if had_value: # Clear the active filter and emit the changed signal. self._active_filter.filters = [] if not self._is_refreshing: self._emit_filters_changed()
[docs] def undock_filters(self, force=False): """Show filters in the menu.""" if not force and not self.docked: return # Set the dock state and hide dock widgets self.__set_docked(False) # Clear the menu before adding back the filters from the dock widget self.clear() # Add static menu actions and filter actions back to the menu self.__add_static_actions() for filter_group in self._filter_groups.values(): filter_group.show_in_menu() self.addSeparator()
[docs] def dock_filters(self, force=False): """Show filters in the dock widget.""" if not force and self.docked: return # Set the dock state and show the dock widgets self.__set_docked(True) # Clear the dock widget before adding back the filters from the menu self.__clear_dock_widget() # Add static action and filter widgets back to the dock widget self.__add_static_actions() for filter_group in self._filter_groups.values(): filter_group.show_in_widget() # Add a spacer to push filters to align at the top spacer = QtGui.QSpacerItem( 40, 20, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding ) self.dock_widget.layout().addItem(spacer)
[docs] def get_current_filters(self, exclude_choices_from_fields=None): """ Get the current filters that are active in the menu. The menu filtering is built by: 1. Within a filter field, all choice filters are grouped with OR, to create a group filter item 2. All filter field group items are then combined with AND to get the final filter item If the `exclude_choices_from_fields` is provided, this will not add any choice filters from the listed fields. Note that the search filter for these fields will still be included. This is used by the filter definition to get filter choice value counts. :param exclude_choices_from_fields: The list of fields to exclude when collecting the currently active filtering from the menu. :type exclude_choices_from_fields: List[str] :return: A filter item representing the current filtering in the menu. :rtype: List[FilterItem] """ exclude_choices_from_fields = exclude_choices_from_fields or [] current_filters = [] for field_id, filter_group in self._filter_groups.items(): if field_id in exclude_choices_from_fields: choices_filters = None else: # Get the filter items that are active (e.g. have a value set). choices_filters = [ filter_item for filter_item in filter_group.filter_items if self._get_filter_group_action(field_id, .defaultWidget() .has_value() and isinstance( self._get_filter_group_action( field_id, ).defaultWidget(), ChoicesFilterItemWidget, ) ] if choices_filters: # Add just the filter OR all choice filters together, within the field current_filters.append( FilterItem.create_group( FilterItem.FilterOp.OR, group_filters=choices_filters, group_id=field_id, ) ) return current_filters
[docs] def initialize_menu(self): """ Initialize the filter menu. This method no longer needs to be called to initialize the menu since refresh will take care of re-initializing. This method now just calls refresh for backward compatibility. """ self.refresh()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Protected methods @sgtk.LogManager.log_timing def _build_menu_widgets(self): """Initialize the menu by building the menu action and widgets.""" self.__add_static_actions() # Build the filter menu actions and their widgets from the filter definition. sorted_field_ids = self._filters_def.get_fields(sort=True) self._add_filter_groups(sorted_field_ids) if self.docked: spacer = QtGui.QSpacerItem( 40, 20, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding ) self.dock_widget.layout().addItem(spacer) @sgtk.LogManager.log_timing def _refresh_menu_widgets(self, field_ids=None): """ Update the menu actions and widgets based on the current filter definition. Iterate through the filter items by field group: - Filter item field groups will be removed as a whole, if the current FilterDefinition does have a record of the field. - Individual filter items will be removed, if the FilterDefinition no longer has a record of it. - Filter item counts will be updated according to the current FilterDefinition - Individual filter items will be added, if the field it belongs to already exists :param field_ids: The menu group fields to update. :type field_ids: List[str] """ restore_block_signals_state = self._block_signals self._block_signals = True try: field_ids = field_ids or [] for field_id, filter_group in self._filter_groups.items(): if field_ids and not field_id in field_ids: continue if not self._field_visibility.get(field_id, False): # Skip hidden filters continue data = self._filters_def.get_field_data(field_id) if not data: # The field group no longer exists, remove the whole group. self._remove_filter_groups(field_id) continue # The current field data to update the current menu state. updated_filters_values = data.get("values", {}) # Update existing filter item widget counts existing_value_ids = [] # Copy the filter items since we may be removing some items as we go. current_filter_items = list(filter_group.filter_items) for item in current_filter_items: action = self._get_filter_group_action(field_id, if not isinstance(action.defaultWidget(), ChoicesFilterItemWidget): # Only ChoicesFilterItemWidgets need updating continue existing_value_ids.append( filter_value = updated_filters_values.get( if filter_value is not None and ( action.defaultWidget().has_value() or filter_value.get("count", 0) > 0 ): # Update the widget count label action.defaultWidget().set_value(filter_value) else: # Filter item no longer has any values, remove it self._remove_filter_action(field_id, item) # Insert any new filter items into an existing group. for value_id, value_data in updated_filters_values.items(): if value_id in existing_value_ids: continue filter_item, filter_action = self._create_filter_item_and_action( field_id, data, value_id, value_data ) filter_group.insert_item(filter_item, filter_action) # The menu layout may have changd, ensure it is positioned nicely. self._adjust_position() finally: self._block_signals = restore_block_signals_state def _restore_filter_definition(self, state): """ Restore the filter definition from the current menu state to restore. :param state: The filter menu state to restore. :type state: dict :return: If any of the state was not restored, this will be returned. :rtype: dict """ # Keep track of what filters were not restored so that they may be restored at a later # time when possible. not_restored = {} for field_id, filter_items in state.items(): if field_id not in self._filters_def._definition: not_restored[field_id] = filter_items continue # Ensure the group the filter is in is visible. self._field_visibility[field_id] = True items_not_restored = {} for value_id, filter_data in filter_items.items(): # Check if the current filter definition set has the choice filter available. # Note, this will always return false for search text filters if self._filters_def.has_filter(field_id, value_id): if isinstance(filter_data, dict): # Ensure the icon is created, since it was removed on save. if filter_data.get("icon_path") and not filter_data.get("icon"): filter_data["icon"] = QtGui.QIcon(filter_data["icon_path"]) self._filters_def.set_filter_data( field_id, value_id, filter_data ) else: self._filters_def.set_default_value( field_id, value_id, filter_data ) else: if isinstance(filter_data, dict): # Choices filter that cannot be restored with the available filters, # save it to be restored at a later time. items_not_restored[value_id] = filter_data else: # Restore the search text filter self._filters_def.set_default_value( field_id, value_id=None, default_value=filter_data ) if items_not_restored: not_restored[field_id] = items_not_restored return not_restored def _add_filter_groups(self, field_ids, ignore_existing=True): """ Add new filter group to the menu for the given fields. If the field group already exists, it will ignore that field. :param field_ids: The fields to add filters for. :type field_ids: list<str> :param ignore_existing: Only add new fields to the menu, ignore fields that already exist. :type ignore_existing: bool """ for field_id in field_ids: if ignore_existing and field_id in self._filter_groups: # Skip the field, it already exists. continue # Get the field filter data to build the filter item actions. field_data = self._filters_def.get_field_data(field_id) if not field_data: # There is no filter definition for this field. continue filter_item_and_actions = [] # We want to create a search filter item in case we are dealing with a string field # or an PTR entity/multi-entity field sg_data_type = None if isinstance(field_data.get("sg_data"), dict): sg_data_type = field_data["sg_data"].get("data_type") if ( field_data["type"] == FilterItem.FilterType.STR or (sg_data_type in ["entity", "multi-entity"]) and self._task_manager ): # Create a search filter item. filter_id = self._get_search_filter_item_id(field_id) search_filter_item_and_action = self._create_filter_item_and_action( field_id, field_data, filter_id ) else: search_filter_item_and_action = None # Create filter items for list of value choices filter_values = field_data.get("values", {}) # NOTE this could be optimized by only creating the filter choice values that are # shown (the grouping shows only up to a maximum number), and then creating the # items on showing more for filter_id, filter_value in filter_values.items(): filter_item_and_actions.append( self._create_filter_item_and_action( field_id, field_data, filter_id, filter_value ) ) # Create the filter group object to manage this grouping, and add the filter item and actions. # Set the maximum initial number of items shown per group to 5, more item may be shown as user # requests to show more. filter_group = FilterMenuGroup( field_id, menu=self, show_limit_increment=5, display_name=field_data["name"], ) filter_group.populate_menu( filter_item_and_actions, search_filter_item_and_action=search_filter_item_and_action, ) # Update "More Filters" to include the newly added filter gorup. self._add_action_to_more_filters_menu(filter_group, field_data["name"]) # Lastly, keep track of the filter group object by its id self._filter_groups[field_id] = filter_group def _create_filter_item_and_action( self, field_id, field_data, filter_id, filter_value=None ): """ Create a FilterItem object and its corresponding FilterItemWidget. Keep track of the FilterItem and QWidgetAction objects in the internal `_filter_groups` dict by field and filter id. :param field_id: The field group this filter belongs to. :type field_id: str :param field_ata: The field's data used to create the filter action. ;type field_data: dict :param filter_id: The filter id for the filter action to be created. :type filter_id: str :param filter_value: The value for the filter to be created. :type filter_value: any :return: The created filter item and its corresponding action. :rtype: (FilterItem, QAction) """ filter_item_data = { "filter_role": field_data.get("filter_role"), "data_func": field_data.get("data_func"), } if filter_value: filter_widget_class = ChoicesFilterItemWidget display_name = filter_value.get("name", str(filter_id)) filter_item_data.update( { "filter_type": field_data["type"], "filter_op": FilterItem.default_op_for_type(field_data["type"]), "filter_value": filter_value.get("value"), "display_name": display_name, "short_name": filter_value.get("short_name", display_name), "count": filter_value.get("count", 0), "icon_path": filter_value.get("icon_path"), "icon": filter_value.get("icon"), "default_value": filter_value.get("default_value"), } ) else: filter_widget_class = SearchFilterItemWidget sg_data = field_data.get("sg_data", {}) if sg_data and sg_data.get("data_type") in ["entity", "multi-entity"]: filter_item_data["filter_type"] = FilterItem.FilterType.DICT filter_item_data["filter_op"] = FilterItem.FilterOp.EQUAL else: filter_item_data["filter_type"] = FilterItem.FilterType.STR filter_item_data["filter_op"] = FilterItem.FilterOp.IN filter_item_data["display_name"] = field_data.get("name") filter_item_data["short_name"] = field_data.get("short_name") # The default value is in the field data since it is applicable to the whole # filter group. filter_item_data["default_value"] = field_data.get("default_value") filter_item_data["sg_data"] = field_data.get("sg_data") filter_item = FilterItem.create(filter_id, filter_item_data) action = self._create_filter_action_widget( filter_item, field_id, filter_item_data, filter_widget_class ) return (filter_item, action) def _create_filter_action_widget( self, filter_item, field_id, filter_data, widget_class ): """ Create the FilterItemWidget for the given FilterItem. A QWidgetAction is also created to manage the FilterItemWidget and allow it to be added to the menu. :param filter_item: The FilterItem this widget corresponds to. :type filter_item: FilterItem :param field_id: The field the filter item belongs to. :type field_id: str :param filter_data: The filter's data to create the widget with. :type filter_data: dict :param widget_class: The specific FilterItemWidget class to create the new widget. :type widget_class: FilterItemWidget class or subclass :return: The QWidgetAction object that has the FilterItemWidget set as :return: The QWidgetAction object that has the FilterItemWidget set as its default widget. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QWidgetAction` """ widget_action = QtGui.QWidgetAction(self) widget_action.setCheckable(True) widget = widget_class(, field_id, filter_data, bg_task_manager=self._task_manager, parent=self, ) widget_action.setDefaultWidget(widget) if filter_data.get("default_value") is not None: widget.value = filter_data["default_value"] # Ensure the filter item value is updated to the default value. if filter_item.filter_value is None: filter_item.filter_value = filter_data["default_value"] # Connect action and widget signal/slots after they are initialized (to avoid # triggering any signals on creation). widget.state_changed.connect( lambda state, a=widget_action: self._filter_widget_checked(a, state) ) widget.value_changed.connect( lambda search, f=filter_item: self._filter_widget_value_changed(f, search) ) if isinstance(widget, ChoicesFilterItemWidget): # Only connect signal/slot to update value based on check state, if the filter # item is checkable (e.g. do not connect this for SearchFilterItemWidgets). widget_action.triggered.connect( lambda checked=None, a=widget_action: self.set_widget_action_default_widget_value( a, checked ) ) return widget_action def _remove_filter_groups(self, field_ids): """ Remove all filter items for each field group given. :param field_ids: The field groups for remove all actions from the menu. :type field_ids: list<str> """ if not isinstance(field_ids, list): field_ids = [field_ids] for field_id in field_ids: # Operate on a copy of the filter items since _remove_filter_action will modify the # list of filter items when items are removed. filter_items = list(self._get_filter_group_items(field_id)) for filter_item in filter_items: self._remove_filter_action(field_id, filter_item) def _remove_filter_action(self, field_id, filter_item, force=False): """ Remove an individual filter action from the menu corresponding to the field and filter item object. The action will be removed from the menu, as well as the internal menu member `_filter_groups` will be updated to remove the action. :param field_id: The field group the action belongs to. :type field_id: str :param filter_item: The FilterItem the action corresponds to. :type filter_item: FilterItem """ action = self._get_filter_group_action(field_id, if action.defaultWidget().has_value(): if isinstance(action.defaultWidget(), ChoicesFilterItemWidget): # Reset count to 0 for choices filter widgets action.defaultWidget().set_value({"count": 0}) if not force: # Do not remove a filter if it has a value return self._filter_groups[field_id].remove_item(filter_item) def _add_action_to_more_filters_menu(self, filter_group, field_name): """ Add a new action to the `_more_filters_menu` for the given field. The "More Filter Menu" is used to show/hide filter field groups. :param field_id: The field the new action corresponds to :type field_id: str :param field_name: The display name for the action in the menu :param field_name: str """ assert self.__more_filters_menu, "'More Filters' menu not initialized" if not self.__more_filters_menu: return field_id = filter_group.group_id filter_id = "{}.MoreFilters".format(field_id) filter_widget = ChoicesFilterItemWidget( filter_id, field_id, { "display_name": field_name, }, parent=self.__more_filters_menu, ) action = QtGui.QWidgetAction(self.__more_filters_menu) action.setCheckable(True) action.setDefaultWidget(filter_widget) action.triggered.connect( lambda checked=None, a=action: self.set_widget_action_default_widget_value( a, checked ) ) filter_group.show_hide_action = action checked = self._field_visibility.get(field_id, False) filter_widget.set_value(checked) filter_group.set_visible(checked) # Connect this signal/slot after setting the filter widget value to avoid triggering it. filter_widget.state_changed.connect( lambda state, a=action: self._toggle_filter_group(a, state) ) # Add the new action and then move it into alphabetical order. self.__more_filters_menu.addAction(action) more_filters_actions = sorted( self.__more_filters_menu.actions(), key=lambda a: a.defaultWidget().name, ) action_index = more_filters_actions.index(action) if action_index + 1 < len(more_filters_actions): insert_before_action = more_filters_actions[action_index + 1] self.__more_filters_menu.insertAction(insert_before_action, action) def _emit_filters_changed(self): """Update the active filter and emit a signal that the filters have changed.""" if self._block_signals: return self._active_filter.filters = self.get_current_filters() self._update_model_filters() self.filters_changed.emit() def _get_search_filter_item_id(self, field_id): """ Convenience method to ensure the same filter id is used for text search filter item widgets. :param field_id: The field group that the search filter item widget belongs to. :type field_id: str :return: The id for the search filter item widget. :rtype: str """ # There should only be one SearchFilterItemWidget per field group, which makes # it safe to use the widget class name as part of the id. return "{}.{}".format(field_id, str(SearchFilterItemWidget)) def _get_filter_group_items(self, field_id): """ Convenience method to get all filter items for a given group. :param field_id: The field group to get the items from. :type field_id: str :return: The filter group's items :rtype: list<FilterItem> """ filter_group = self._filter_groups.get(field_id) if not filter_group: return [] filter_items = self._filter_groups[field_id].filter_items if filter_group.search_filter_item: filter_items.append(filter_group.search_filter_item) return filter_items def _get_filter_group_action(self, field_id, filter_id): """ Convenience method to get an action from a filter group. :param field_id: The field group to get the action from. :type field_id: str :return: The filter group's action. :rtype: QAction """ filter_group = self._filter_groups.get(field_id) if not filter_group: return None if ( filter_group.search_filter_item and == filter_id ): return filter_group.search_filter_action return filter_group.filter_actions.get(filter_id) def _adjust_position(self): """Adjust the menu to ensure all actions are visible.""" sz = self.sizeHint() desktop = QtGui.QApplication.desktop() geom = desktop.availableGeometry(self) available_height = geom.height() - self.y() if sz.height() > available_height: adjust_y = max(0, geom.bottom() - sz.height()) self.setGeometry(self.x(), adjust_y, sz.width(), sz.height()) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Callbacks def _about_to_show(self): """Callback triggered when the menu is about to show.""" # Undock the menu if it is docked. self.undock_filters() # Ensure the menu is up to date on show. if self.__always_refresh_on_show or self.refresh_on_show: self.refresh() self.refresh_on_show = False def _update_model_filters(self): """Update the filter model to reflect the current filtering set based on the menu.""" if not self._proxy_model: return self._proxy_model.set_filter_items([self.active_filter]) def _toggle_filter_group(self, action, state): """ Callback triggered when a filter widget action state has changed. If the filter widget has been checked, then ensure its filter group is visible. :param action: The filter widget action. :type action: QtGui.QWidgetAction :param state: The filter widget action state. :type state: QtCore.Qt.CheckState """ action.setChecked(state == QtCore.Qt.Checked) widget = action.defaultWidget() checked = widget.has_value() field_id = widget.group_id # Keep track of the field group visibility. self._field_visibility[field_id] = checked self._filter_groups[field_id].set_visible(checked) # Ensure the filter value counts are up to date on show. self.update_filters(filter_group_ids=[field_id]) self._adjust_position() def _filter_widget_checked(self, action, state): """ Callback triggered when a FilterItemWidget `state_changed` signal emitted. :param action: The menu action associated with the filter widget. :type action: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QAction` :param state: The filter widget's checkbox state.True :type state: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.CheckState` """ # Keep the parent QAction checked state in sync with the filter item widget's checkbox state. checked = state == QtCore.Qt.Checked action.setChecked(checked) self._emit_filters_changed() def _filter_widget_value_changed(self, filter_item, search): """ Callback triggered when a FilterItemWidget `value_changed` signal emitted. :param filter_item: The FilterItem associated with the filter widget. :type filter_item: FilterItem :param search: The new search value the filter widget has. :type search: any """ # In case we don't have any search value, just do nothing if not search: return # Get all the choice widgets belonging to the same group as the search widget # If the value of the choice widget matches the search value, then make sure the item # is selected field_id = self._get_search_filter_field_id( for f_item in self._get_filter_group_items(field_id): # skip the search item itself if f_item == filter_item: continue if f_item.validate_search(search): filter_action = self._get_filter_group_action(field_id, filter_widget = filter_action.defaultWidget() filter_widget.set_value(True) # finally, reset the search filter value filter_action = self._get_filter_group_action(field_id, filter_widget = filter_action.defaultWidget() filter_widget.clear_value() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private methods def __set_docked(self, docked): """ Set the docked state and show/hide the dock widget accordingly. :param docked: True will set the filter menu to be docked, False will set it to be undocked. :type docked: bool """ self.__docked = docked if self.dock_widget: self.dock_widget.setVisible(docked) if self.__dock_widget_parent: self.__dock_widget_parent.setVisible(docked) if docked: self.hide() def __clear_dock_widget(self, delete_widgets=False): """ Clear all the items in the dock widget layout. :param delete_widgets: True will delete widgets in the layout, else False will only remove the widgets from the layout. :type delete_widgets: bool """ if not self.dock_widget: return layout = self.dock_widget.layout() while layout.count() > 0: item = layout.takeAt(0) widget = item.widget() if widget: if delete_widgets: widget.deleteLater() del item def __add_static_actions(self): """Add the static actions to the menu. These actions appear at the top of hte menu.""" if not self.__more_filters_menu: self.__more_filters_menu = NoCloseOnActionTriggerShotgunMenu(self) self.__more_filters_menu.setTitle("More Filters") if self.__more_filters_menu_button: self.__more_filters_menu_button.setMenu(self.__more_filters_menu) if self.docked: # The menu is docked, add the static actions to the dock widget. actions_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() actions_layout.addWidget(self.__clear_widget) actions_layout.addWidget(self.__more_filters_menu_button) actions_layout.addStretch() actions_layout.addWidget(self.__undock_widget) layout = self.dock_widget.layout() layout.addLayout(actions_layout) else: # Create the actions each time since they may have been deleted when the menu was cleared. # Only add the dock action if the dock widget is available. if self.dock_widget: dock_action = self.addAction("Dock Filters in Panel") dock_action.triggered.connect(self.dock_filters) self.addSeparator() # Clear all filters action clear_action = self.addAction("Clear All Filters") clear_action.triggered.connect(self.clear_filters) # More Filters menu self.addMenu(self.__more_filters_menu) # Separate static actions from the filter actions self.addSeparator()
class ShotgunFilterMenu(FilterMenu): """ Subclass of FilterMenu for models that inherit the ShotgunModel class. It is not necessary to use this menu class, but it is a convenience class to set up the filter menu specificaly for data using the ShotgunModel class. """ def __init__( self, parent=None, refresh_on_show=True, bg_task_manager=None, dock_widget=None ): """ Constructor. Set the filter_roles to the ShotgunModel role pointing to its PTR data. """ super(ShotgunFilterMenu, self).__init__( parent, refresh_on_show=refresh_on_show, bg_task_manager=bg_task_manager, dock_widget=dock_widget, ) # Use the SG_DATA_ROLE to extract the data from the ShotgunModel. This class fixes the # filte roles to the ShotgunModel.SG_DATA_ROLE since it is designed to work with this # model only. self._filters_def.filter_roles = [ShotgunModel.SG_DATA_ROLE] self.__field_id_prefix = str(ShotgunModel.SG_DATA_ROLE) def set_filter_roles(self, roles): """Override the base method to not allow manually setting the roles.""" # Do nothing. The filter roles are fixed. Use the FilterMenu class if the filter roles # need to be modified. def set_visible_fields(self, fields): """ Override the base method to ensure field ids are prefixed with the role. Set the filters that belong to any of the given fields to be visible. :param fields: The filters within the given fields will be shown. :type fields: list<str> """ if not fields: return for field in fields: if not field.startswith(self.__field_id_prefix): field = "{}.{}".format(self.__field_id_prefix, field) self._field_visibility[field] = True def set_accept_fields(self, fields): """ Override the base method to ensure field ids are prefixed with the role. Set the fields to ignore when building the filter definition for the menu. :param fields: The fields to ignore :type fields: list<str> """ # Ensure field ids have the correct field id prefix. for i, field in enumerate(fields): if not field.startswith(self.__field_id_prefix): field = "{}.{}".format(self.__field_id_prefix, field) fields[i] = field self._filters_def.accept_fields = fields def set_ignore_fields(self, fields): """ Override the base method to ensure field ids are prefixed with the role. Set the fields to ignore when building the filter definition for the menu. :param fields: The fields to ignore :type fields: list<str> """ # Ensure field ids have the correct field id prefix. for i, field in enumerate(fields): if not field.startswith(self.__field_id_prefix): field = "{}.{}".format(self.__field_id_prefix, field) fields[i] = field self._filters_def.ignore_fields = fields def restore_state(self, state): """Override the base method to ensure field ids are prefixed with the role.""" formatted_state = {} for field_id, field_state in state.items(): if not field_id.startswith(self.__field_id_prefix): field_id = "{}.{}".format(self.__field_id_prefix, field_id) formatted_state[field_id] = field_state super(ShotgunFilterMenu, self).restore_state(formatted_state) def set_filter_model(self, filter_model, connect_signals=True): """ Override the base implementation. Ensure the filter_model is a subclass of the ShotgunModel class. Update the menu when the model emits its data_refreshed signal. :param filter_model: The ShotgunModelthat is used to build the menu filters. :type filter_model: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QSortFilterProxyModel` :param connect_signals: Whether or not to connect model signals to the appropriate filter menu methods; e.g. model layoutChanged and data_refreshed signals will rebuild the menu. :type connect_signals: bool """ assert isinstance(filter_model.sourceModel(), ShotgunModel) if self._source_model is not None: try: self._source_model.data_refreshing.disconnect(self._on_data_refreshing) self._source_model.data_refresh_fail.disconnect( self._on_data_refresh_fail ) self._source_model.data_refreshed.disconnect(self._on_data_refreshed) self._source_model.cache_loaded.disconnect(self._on_cache_loaded) except RuntimeError: # Signals were never connected. pass super(ShotgunFilterMenu, self).set_filter_model(filter_model, connect_signals) if connect_signals and self._source_model is not None: self._source_model.data_refreshing.connect(self._on_data_refreshing) self._source_model.data_refresh_fail.connect(self._on_data_refresh_fail) self._source_model.data_refreshed.connect(self._on_data_refreshed) self._source_model.cache_loaded.connect(self._on_cache_loaded) def _on_data_refreshing(self): """ Slot triggered on PTR model `data_refreshing` signal. Emit the signal that the menu is about to refresh now. """ self.menu_about_to_be_refreshed.emit() def _on_data_refresh_fail(self, msg): """ Slot triggered on PTR model `data_refresh_fail` signal. Refresh failed will not trigger the menu refresh, but we still need to emit the signal menu finished refreshing since the menu_about_to_be_refreshed signal has been emitted. """ self.menu_refreshed.emit() def _on_data_refreshed(self): """ Slot triggered on PTR model `data_refreshed` signal. Force a menu refresh. """ self.refresh(force=True) def _on_cache_loaded(self): """ Slot triggered on PTR model `cache_loaded` signal. Force a menu refresh. """ self.refresh(force=True)