Initialization and startup

This section outlines how Toolkit starts up and initializes. It explains the common patterns around startup, configuration management and the various APIs and workflows related to this process.


Toolkit is controlled using Pipeline Configuration Entities. Each Project in Flow Production Tracking can have one or more of these entities associated. The Flow Production Tracking entity either contains Toolkit configuration settings directly, or points to a location where these can be downloaded from.

When Toolkit starts up, it ensures that these configuration settings exists on disk, alongside with all other necessary pieces required for Toolkit to operate. This collection of files is referred to as a Pipeline Configuration.


The Pipeline Configuration on disk contains the following items:

  • Configuration files - all the the details that define the configuration: app and engine settings, naming convention and file system templates.

  • An installed version of the Toolkit Core API as required by the configuration.

  • A tank command which gives access to admin and maintenance commands to make it easy to upgrade and configure the configuration. It also gives access to the shell engine environment.

  • A so called bundle cache, contained inside an install folder, containing downloaded apps, frameworks and engines defined by the configuration. This cache is downloaded from locations such as the Flow Production Tracking App Store, git or from your Flow Production Tracking site, all handled by Toolkit’s Descriptor system.

By default, each pipeline configuration in Toolkit has its own independent API and configuration, making it easy to customize different projects independently and evolve the pipeline over time without breaking older projects. However, it is possible to arrange your configuration in several different other ways, all explained below.

In Flow Production Tracking, the main Pipeline Configuration Entity for a project is always named Primary. In addition to this, additional pipeline configurations entities can be set up. Typically, these are used as test areas or developer sandboxes, where you want to run with special configuration settings. These developer sandboxes can be associated with certain users to make it easy to run development and testing in parallel with production.


To read more about the default configurations offered with Toolkit, see the Flow Production Tracking integrations admin guide.

The Toolkit startup

In order to understand how the Toolkit startup APIs operate, let’s begin by taking a look at how the default Toolkit configuration operates at a high level:


This design is repeated everywhere and is a pattern which can be easily extended. Users typically launch Toolkit by launching the Flow Production Tracking. The Flow Production Tracking contains a Toolkit plugin which runs the Bootstrap API in order to load in a full Toolkit environment.


A Toolkit plugin is a lightweight piece of startup code which imports the Toolkit core and launches the bootstrap API. Most content creation software have a concept of a plugin or extension system. Each Toolkit engine (Maya, Nuke, Houdini, etc) implements a plugin suitable for that software environment.

Once the plugin is loaded, and the bootstrap is running, it will start by prompting the user to log in to a site. Next, it will connect to the Flow Production Tracking Site to determine if any Pipeline Configuration Entities exist associated with the project. If so, these are used to configure the Toolkit session. If not, the default plugins running in Flow Production Tracking will fall back on looking for the latest release of the tk-config-basic configuration in the Flow Production Tracking App Store.

The bootstrap API will make the necessary preparations and then launch a Toolkit Engine, as well as the apps defined in the configuration.


In the figure above, note the Launch App which is designed to launch other software. This app makes use of a centralized Software Launch API. The launch app will use this API to determine the available installations of a software, launch it, and ensure that upon launch, the Toolkit plugin associated with that software is launched at startup.


This pattern is very flexible and Toolkit plugins can be crafted in many different ways, to be auto updating or come with a fixed bundled configuration for offline use, to be distributed with an engine or be completely stand alone. Similarly, the bootstrap API is merely a mechanism that allows a user to load a pipeline configuration and launch an engine and can be utilized in many different scenarios, not just contained inside a plugin. Examples include render farm launch scripts, integration with software management systems such as Rez, general utilities, etc.

There are two fundamentally different ways to set up a Toolkit Project in Flow Production Tracking, both briefly outlined below:

Distributed configurations

Distributed configurations are defined as Pipeline Configurations inside Flow Production Tracking. At startup, these are detected by the Bootstrap API which will automatically manage your local configuration and resources on disk, ensuring that you have all the right apps, engines and other dependencies needed to run the configuration. This is a decentralized workflow where each user will automatically caches all necessary runtime components locally.



To create a distributed configuration, manually go into Flow Production Tracking and create a Flow Production Tracking Pipeline Configuration entity for your project. For more information, see Managing distributed configurations.

Centralized configurations

Centralized configurations are installed into a specific disk location, usually on a shared storage, and accessed by all users. All users who want to access to the configuration need to be able to access its shared location on disk.


These configurations are created using Toolkit’s project setup system (either the Flow Production Tracking project setup wizard or the tank setup_project command). After project setup, the configuration is manually managed, typically via the tank command.

Uploading a configuration to Flow Production Tracking

The simplest way to distribute a Toolkit configuration to a group of users, whether these are distributed in different locations or all working in the same building, is to upload it to Flow Production Tracking. At startup, the Toolkit Bootstrap will automatically look for uploaded configurations and if detected, download the configuration locally and then launch. Toolkit will take care of distribution and setup.

To use this workflow, simply zip up your configuration and upload it as an attachment:



For backwards compatibility, configurations uploaded to the custom sg_uploaded_config field are also supported.

Older versions of Flow Production Tracking may not have an Uploaded Config field enabled by default, and in this case it may be necessary to create a custom field. Naming it Uploaded Config will generate a field with the API name sg_uploaded_config and thus will be recognized by Toolkit.

Once a configuration is uploaded, it will be detected and used at bootstrap. If a new configuration is uploaded to Flow Production Tracking, users will pick it up the next time they start up.


As an example, you can download one of the default configurations from github as a zip and upload it as an attachment from Flow Production Tracking:

Managing distributed configurations

In order to configure an automatically managed configuration, create an entity in Flow Production Tracking to represent a Primary configuration:


The descriptor field contains a Descriptor URI pointing at a configuration. The bootstrap API will detect this and use it as it starts up Toolkit for this particular project. This is a decentralized workflow; every user will have a copy of the configuration, meaning that you don’t need a central storage.

When the bootstrap API starts up, it goes through a series of steps:


First, the Flow Production Tracking Pipeline Configuration will be determined. The bootstrap will search for a configuration in the following order:

  • A Pipeline Config for the current project, associated with the current user. These are typically dev or test sandboxes.

  • A Primary Pipeline Config associated with the current project.

  • A site-wide Pipeline Config (e.g. with the Project field blank) associated with the user.

  • A site-wide Primary Pipeline Config

  • If none of the above is found a base config fallback, hardcoded in the plugin, will be used. (In the bootstrap API, this is defined via the base_configuration() property).


Leaving the project field blank on a pipeline configuration means it applies to all projects. This makes it possible to have a single configuration that is used by all your Flow Production Tracking projects.

Once the Pipeline Configuration has been determined, its descriptor is resolved, downloaded and all its dependencies (Apps, Engines, Core, Frameworks) are checked and the ones that aren’t already locally cached are downloaded. All these items are downloaded into a global bundle cache which by default resides locally on a user’s machine but is shared between all pipeline configurations.


By default, files are downloaded to the following locations:

  • %APPDATA%\Shotgun (Windows)

  • ~/Library/Caches/Shotgun (Mac)

  • ~/.shotgun (Linux)

These locations can be customized by setting a SHOTGUN_HOME environment variable.


You can include a local bundle_cache folder within your configuration to make it self contained.


The structure of this folder is identical to the global bundle_cache folder found in the locations listed above and can contain all of the apps, engines, and frameworks required by your configuration.

If the folder exists within the config, then the folder is added to the list of bundle_cache_fallback_paths used by the bootstrap logic. If a bundle exists in this local cache, Toolkit will use it from this location rather than downloading it or using the global bundle cache.

Lastly, the Pipeline Configuration structure is created on local disk, from which Toolkit is launched.


Below are a collection of practical examples for how Pipeline Configurations can be set up. Each Pipeline Configuration uses a Descriptor URI to specify where the configuration should be downloaded from. For full technical details, see the Descriptor documentation.

Fixing a version for a project

All users in the current project will be using a fixed version of the tk-config-basic configuration from the Flow Production Tracking App Store. This can be useful if you don’t want a project to auto update. Omitting the version number, e.g. sgtk:descriptor:app_store?name=tk-config-basic will resolve to the most recent version number.


Config Name


Plugin Ids




Git site and project configurations

This example shows several things. The Pipeline Configuration without a Project set is a site wide configuration - it will be used by all projects except the Bootstrap project, which has a specific configuration defined. The Bootstrap project will use tag v1.2.3 from the specified git repository, whereas all other projects will use the tag with the highest version number.


Config Name


Plugin Ids




Below are additional examples of how git repositories can be specified:

  • Highest tag in a git repository: sgtk:descriptor:git?path=user@host:/path/to/config.git

  • Specific tag in a git repository: sgtk:descriptor:git?path=user@host:/path/to/config.git&version=v1.2.3

  • Latest commit in a git branch: sgtk:descriptor:git_branch?path=user@host:/path/to/config.git&branch=master

  • Specific commit in a git branch: sgtk:descriptor:git_branch?path=user@host:/path/to/config.git&branch=master&version=17fedd8


For git based workflows, all users need to have git installed.

Developer sandbox

This example shows a typical development/test setup - alongside the Primary configuraton for the project there is a dev sandbox. All user associated with that dev sandbox will pick that up instead of the default one, making it easy to ‘invite’ users in for testing. (In Flow Production Tracking, a dropdown will appear, allowing a user to choose which config to use). A dev descriptor is used to point at a local dev area on disk.


Config Name

Dev Sandbox

Plugin Ids




Plugins and plugin ids

In each of the examples shown above, there is a Plugin Ids field set to basic.*:


This field is used to specify the scope where the configuration should be used. Each Toolkit plugin and script using the Bootstrap API specifies a plugin_id(). All default Toolkit engines and integrations are using a basic prefix, e.g. the Maya engine has got a plugin id of basic.maya, Nuke is basic.nuke etc.

By specifying basic.* in the plugin Ids field on the Pipeline Configuration, that configuration will be used by all the default (basic) Toolkit integrations. If you wanted a special configuration to only apply to certain software integrations, you can specify this:


The above configuration will only be used when the Maya and Nuke plugins bootstrap.


For project-bound configurations, if you don’t specify a plugin id for your Pipeline Configuration, it will be ignored by the boostrap. That said, we recommend using basic.* as a default in the plugin Ids field on the Pipeline Configuration for project-bound configurations. For non-project-bound configurations, the Pipeline Configuration will be ignored by the boostrap when plugin Ids is defined.

Self contained configurations

If you include a bundle_cache folder in your Toolkit configuration, it will be automatically detected and added to the bundle cache search path. This makes it possible to distribute a complete Toolkit setup in a single package without any external dependencies.

This can be useful when deploying a configuration to a network infrastructure that doesn’t allow for an external Internet access and has a local site install of Flow Production Tracking. Create your configuration, manually add a bundle_cache folder containing the necessary app, engine, core and framework payload, zip it and upload it to Flow Production Tracking.

Configurations with filesystem templates

If the configuration you have specified in the descriptor field (or have uploaded to Flow Production Tracking) is using the Toolkit folder schema and templates system, you need to manually configure a series of settings related to file storage locations.

A toolkit configuration contains a roots.yml file which defines the file storages required by that configuration. See for example the Toolkit default configuration. All storages defined here need to have a corresponding Local File Storage defined in Flow Production Tracking. These settings can be found in Flow Production Tracking’s site preferences.

In addition to this, a project folder name needs to be defined. This will be the name which is given to the root folder on disk when the folder structure starts getting populated. The project name is defined in a field named tank_name on the Flow Production Tracking Project entity.


When using a centralized configuration, this process is automatically handled by the project setup wizard. In this case, you have to do it manually.

Distributing application code from your site

If you want to cache custom application code that may only be accessible for users on your local network or from developers who have access keys to the Git repositories, you can upload individual bundles to Flow Production Tracking and then take over the populate_bundle_cache_entry() and can_cache_bundle() methods of the Bootstrap hook.


This workflow isn’t limited to custom applications stored in git. You can also use it to distribute applications downloaded from the Toolkit AppStore if your users do not have access to the Internet.

Here’s a suggested setup:


As you can see, a non project custom entity has been configured to cache Toolkit bundles. The most important column here is Descriptor, which is the field the bootstrap hook will use to determine if a bundle is available in Flow Production Tracking or not.


You should never upload a new bundle to an existing Toolkit Bundle entity. Toolkit caches items locally based on the version number inside the descriptor URI. For every change to a bundle, always create a new version number.

Once the bundles have been uploaded, you can implement the core/ hook.

from sgtk import get_hook_baseclass
from sgtk.util.shotgun import download_and_unpack_attachment

# By using sgtk.get_hook_baseclass instead of deriving from sgtk.Hook, we'll be
# getting the default hook's init method for free.
class Bootstrap(get_hook_baseclass()):
    This hook allows to download certain bundles from Shotgun instead of
    official source for the bundle.

    def can_cache_bundle(self, descriptor):
        Returns true if the descriptor has been cached in Shotgun.

        :param descriptor: Descriptor of the bundle that needs to be cached.
        :type descriptor: :class:`~sgtk.descriptor.Descriptor`

        :returns: ``True`` if the bundle is cached in Shotgun, ``False`` otherwise.
        return bool(
            descriptor.get_dict()["type"] in ["app_store", "git"]
            and self._get_bundle_attachment(descriptor)

    def _get_bundle_attachment(self, descriptor):
        Retrieves the attachment associated to this descriptor in Shotgun.

        :param descriptor: Descriptor of the bundle that needs to be cached.
        :type descriptor: :class:`~sgtk.descriptor.Descriptor`

        :returns: The attachment entity dict.
        :rtype: dict
        # This method gets invoked twice by the bootstrap hook, but will only be
        # invoked if the bundle is missing from disk so it is not worth putting a
        # caching system in place for the method.

        # We're using the descriptor uri, i.e.
        # sgtk:descriptor:app_store?name=tk-core&version=v0.18.150,
        # as the code for the entity. If an entry is found and there is an
        # attachment, the bundle can be downloaded from Shotgun.
        # You could write a script that introspects a configuration,
        # extracts all bundles that need to be cached into Shotgun and pushes
        # them to Shotgun. Part of this workflow can be automated with the
        # ``developer/`` script, which will download
        # locally every single bundle for a given config.
        entity = self.shotgun.find_one(
            [["sg_descriptor", "is", descriptor.get_uri()]],
        if entity:
            return entity["sg_content"]
            return None

    def populate_bundle_cache_entry(self, destination, descriptor, **kwargs):
        This method will retrieve the bundle from the Shotgun site and unpack it
        in the destination folder.

        :param destination: Folder where the bundle needs to be written. Note
            that this is not the final destination folder inside the bundle

        :param descriptor: Descriptor of the bundle that needs to be cached.
        :type descriptor: :class:`~sgtk.descriptor.Descriptor`
        attachment = self._get_bundle_attachment(descriptor)
        download_and_unpack_attachment(self.shotgun, attachment, destination)
            "Bundle %s was downloaded from %s.",

Once you are done, you can zip your configuration and its custom bootstrap and upload it to a PipelineConfiguration entity in Flow Production Tracking. Now every time a user bootstraps into this pipeline configuration, they will download the configuration and cache the Toolkit core and all application bundles through the hook.

Managing centralized configurations

A manual project is either done via the Flow Production Tracking Project Setup Wizard or through the tank setup_project command. During this process, you will choose a location on disk for your configuration. Make sure you choose a location on disk which is accessible by all users who need access to the configuration (e.g. typically on a fast, shared storage). The figure below illustrates the process:


The tank setup_project command will automatically create a Primary pipeline configuration entity in Flow Production Tracking and a full configuration on disk. App, Engine and other payloads are downloaded into the bundle cache contained by the config. The three fields PipelineConfiguration.windows_path, PipelineConfiguration.mac_path and PipelineConfiguration.linux_path are populated with paths to the configuration on disk.


This is the workflow that was exclusively used by all Toolkit versions prior to core v0.18, when the bootstrap API was introduced. It will continue to be supported, however it is less flexible than the more automatic workflows and can be especially challenging when you have a setup which doesn’t have a centralized storage. We recommend using distributed configurations whenever possible.

Configuration Maintenance

Once the project has been set up, you have to manually manage it. This is typically done via the tank command:

  • tank core will update the Core API version associated with a project.

  • tank updates checks for App and Engine updates.

  • By default, new projects are created in localized mode, meaning that they keeps their own core and bundle cache. It is also possible to share the core and the bundle cache between several different project by creating a shared core.

  • In order to create additional configurations beyond the Primary one (for example for development or testing), right click on the configuration in Flow Production Tracking and choose the Clone Configuration option.

Starting a Toolkit engine from a centralized project

In this case, when a known location exists for your core API, you are not required to use the bootstrap API. Given that the location of the configuration is known on beforehand, factory methods such as sgtk.sgtk_from_path() can also be used, however when doing so you need to make sure you always use the core associated with the configuration:

# for our hidden forest project the configuration is
# installed in /mnt/toolkit/configs/hidden_forest
# add the tk-core of the project to the pythonpath
import sys

# now import the API associated with config
import sgtk

# and create a tk instance by passing in the path to the
# configuration or a path to any file associated with the
# project
tk = sgtk.sgtk_from_path("/mnt/toolkit/configs/hidden_forest")

# create a context for a Flow Production Tracking entity associated with the project
ctx = tk.context_from_entity("Project", 122)

# finally, launch the engine
engine = sgtk.platform.start_engine("tk-maya", tk, ctx)

If you want, you can also use the bootstrap API to launch a centralized configuration:

# here, we can use any tk-core we want - it doesn't even have to be connected
# to a project - the bootstrap API will swap out the core for the right version
# as it starts things up.
# here you could also pip install the tk-core for a fully automated workflow.
import sys
import sgtk

# Start up a Toolkit Manager
mgr = sgtk.bootstrap.ToolkitManager()

# now start up the maya engine for a given Flow Production Tracking object
e = mgr.bootstrap_engine("tk-maya", entity={"type": "Project", "id": 122})


When using boostrap, any tk-core API can be used for the initial import sgtk. The bootstrap API will automatically determine which version is required for the project we are bootstrapping into, and potentially swap the core at runtime if the project requires a more recent version than the one used to bootstrap with.

Factory methods

Two main methods exist if you want to start a centralized configuration and not utilize the bootstrap API:


Creates a Toolkit Core API instance based on a path to a configuration or a path to any file inside a project root location. This factory method will do the following two things:

When the path points at a configuration

If the given path is determined to be pointing at a pipeline configuration, checks will be made to determine that the currently imported sgtk module is the same version that the configuration requires.

When the path points at a project file

If the given path is to a file (e.g. a maya file for example), the method will retrieve all projects from Shotgun, including their Project.tank_name project root folder fields and associated pipeline configurations. It will then walk up the path hierarchy of the given path until one of the project roots are matching the path. For that project, all pipeline configurations are then retrieved.


If more than one configuration is matching, the primary one will take precendence.

Shared cores and localized cores

If you have a shared core for all your projects, you can follow a pattern where you add this shared core to the PYTHONPATH and you can launch Toolkit for any project file on disk (or Shotgun entity) on your entire site easily:

# add the shared core to the pythonpath
import sys

# now import the API
import sgtk

# request that the API produced a tk instance suitable for a given file
tk = sgtk.sgtk_from_path("/mnt/projects/hidden_forest/shots/aa/aa_001/lighting/")


The Bootstrap API is now the recommended solution for building a pattern that can launch an engine for any given entity on a site.


path – Path to pipeline configuration or to a folder associated with a project.


Sgtk instance

sgtk.sgtk_from_entity(entity_type, entity_id)[source]

Creates a Toolkit Core API instance given an entity in Shotgun.

The given object will be looked up in Shotgun, its associated pipeline configurations will be determined, and compared against the currently imported sgtk module. The logic is identical to the one outlined in sgtk_from_path(), but for a Shotgun entity rather than a path. For more details, see sgtk_from_path().

  • entity_type – Shotgun entity type, e.g. Shot

  • entity_id – Shotgun entity id


Sgtk instance

Bootstrap API

The ToolkitManager class allows for run-time handling of Toolkit configurations and removes the traditional step of a project setup. Instead, you can launch an engine directly based on a configuration Descriptor URI. The manager encapsulates the configuration setup process and makes it easy to create a running instance of Toolkit. It allows for several advanced use cases:

  • Bootstrapping via the Toolkit manager does not require anything to be set up or configured in Flow Production Tracking. No Toolkit project setup step is required.

  • A setup can be pre-bundled with, for example, an application plugin, allowing Toolkit to act as a distribution platform.

The following example code can for example run inside maya in order to launch Toolkit’s default config for a Flow Production Tracking Asset:

import sgtk

# Start up a Toolkit Manager
mgr = sgtk.bootstrap.ToolkitManager()

# Set the base configuration to the default config
# Note that the version token is not specified, meaning that
# the latest version will be looked up and used
mgr.base_configuration = "sgtk:descriptor:app_store?name=tk-config-basic"

# Each bootstrap session is normally defined by a plugin id. We recommend
# using a 'basic.' prefix if you want your bootstrap session to pick up the
# standard toolkit configurations
mgr.plugin_id = "basic.my_toolkit_plugin"

# now start up the maya engine for a given Flow Production Tracking object
e = mgr.bootstrap_engine("tk-maya", entity={"type": "Asset", "id": 1234})

In this example, there is no need to construct any sgtk.Sgtk instance or run a tank command - the ToolkitManager instead becomes the entry point into the system. It will handle the setup and initialization of the configuration behind the scenes and start up a Toolkit session once all the required pieces have been initialized and set up.

A number of different environment variables exist to help control the behavior of the Toolkit Startup.


Below follows the full API reference for the ToolkitManager bootstrap API.



The fallback configuration to use.


The associated plugin id.


A list of fallback paths where toolkit will look for cached bundles.


The pipeline configuration that should be operated on.


Controls the Shotgun override behaviour.


Specifies the config caching policy to use when bootstrapping.



Create an Sgtk instance for the given engine and entity, then launch into the given engine.


Asynchronous version of bootstrap_engine().


Callback invoked after the Sgtk instance has been created.


Callback that gets called whenever progress should be reported.


Updates and caches a configuration on disk for a given project.



Serializes the state of the class.


Restores serialized state.



Retrieves the pipeline configurations available for a given project.


Standardized environment variable retrieval.


Resolves a pipeline configuration and returns its associated descriptor object.


Computes the path to the current Toolkit core.

class sgtk.bootstrap.ToolkitManager(sg_user=None)[source]

This class allows for flexible and non-obtrusive management of toolkit configurations and installations.


sg_user (ShotgunUser) – Authenticated Shotgun User object. If you pass in None, the manager will provide a standard authentication for you via the shotgun authentication module and prompting the user if necessary. If you have special requirements around authentication, simply construct an explicit user object and pass it in.


Serializes the state of the class.

Serializes settings that impact resolution of a pipeline configuration into an object and returns it to the user.

This can be useful when a process is used to enumerate pipeline configurations and another process will be bootstrapping an engine. Calling this method ensures the manager is configured the same across processes.

Those settings can be restored with ToolkitManager.restore_settings().


Note that the extracted settings should be treated as opaque data and not something that should be manipulated. Their content can be changed at any time.


User defined values.

Return type:



Restores serialized state.

This will restores the state user defined with ToolkitManager.extract_settings().


Always use ToolkitManager.extract_settings() to extract settings when you plan on calling this method. The content of the settings should be treated as opaque data.


data (object) – Settings obtained from ToolkitManager.extract_settings()

property pre_engine_start_callback

Callback invoked after the Sgtk instance has been created.

This function should have the following signature:

def pre_engine_start_callback(ctx):
    Called before the engine is started.

    :param :class:"~sgtk.Context" ctx: Context into
        which the engine will be launched. This can also be used
        to access the Toolkit instance.
property pipeline_configuration

The pipeline configuration that should be operated on.

By default, this value is set to None, indicating to the Manager that it should attempt to automatically find the most suitable pipeline configuration entry in Shotgun given the project and plugin id. In this case, it will look at all pipeline configurations stored in Shotgun associated with the project who are associated with the current user. If no user-tagged pipeline configuration exists, it will look for the primary configuration, and in case this is not found, it will fall back on the base_configuration(). If you don’t want this check to be carried out in Shotgun, please set do_shotgun_config_lookup() to False.

Alternatively, you can set this to a specific pipeline configuration. In that case, the Manager will look for a pipeline configuration that matches that name or id and the associated project and plugin id. If such a config cannot be found in Shotgun, it falls back on the base_configuration().

property do_shotgun_config_lookup

Controls the Shotgun override behaviour.

Boolean property to indicate if the bootstrap process should connect to Shotgun and attempt to resolve a config. Defaults to True.

If True, the bootstrap process will connect to Shotgun as part of the startup, look for a pipeline configuration and attempt to resolve a toolkit environment to bootstrap into via the Pipeline configuration data. Failing this, it will fall back on the base_configuration().

If False, no Shotgun lookup will happen. Instead, whatever config is defined via base_configuration() will always be used.

property plugin_id

The associated plugin id.

The Plugin Id is a string that defines the scope of the bootstrap operation.

When you are writing plugins or tools that is intended to run side by side with other plugins in your target environment, the entry point will be used to define a scope and sandbox in which your plugin will execute.

When constructing a plugin id for an integration the following should be considered:

  • Plugin Ids should uniquely identify the plugin.

  • The name should be short and descriptive.

The basic toolkit integration uses a basic prefix, e.g. basic.maya, basic.nuke. We recommend using the basic prefix for standard workflows.

For more information, see Plugins and plugin ids.

property base_configuration

The fallback configuration to use.

The descriptor (string or dict) for the configuration that should be used as a base fallback to be used if an override configuration isn’t set in Shotgun.


property bundle_cache_fallback_paths

A list of fallback paths where toolkit will look for cached bundles.

This is useful if you want to distribute a pre-baked package, containing all the app version that a user needs. This avoids downloading anything from the app store or other sources.

Any bundles missing from locations specified in the fallback paths will be downloaded and cached into the global bundle cache.

property caching_policy

Specifies the config caching policy to use when bootstrapping.

ToolkitManager.CACHE_SPARSE will make the manager download and cache the sole config dependencies needed to run the engine being started. This is the default caching policy.

ToolkitManager.CACHE_FULL will make the manager download and cache all the config dependencies.

property progress_callback

Callback that gets called whenever progress should be reported.

This function should have the following signature:

def progress_callback(progress_value, message):
    Called whenever toolkit reports progress.

    :param progress_value: The current progress value as float number.
                           values will be reported in incremental order
                           and always in the range 0.0 to 1.0
    :param message:        Progress message string


When registering a progress callback, ensure that it is ALWAYS thread safe. There is no guarantee that it will be called from the main thread.

bootstrap_engine(engine_name, entity=None)[source]

Create an Sgtk instance for the given engine and entity, then launch into the given engine.

The whole engine bootstrap logic will be executed synchronously in the main application thread.

If entity is None, the method will bootstrap into the site config. This method will attempt to resolve the config according to business logic set in the associated resolver class and based on this launch a configuration. This may involve downloading new apps from the toolkit app store and installing files on disk.

Please note that the API version of the tk instance that hosts the engine may not be the same as the API version that was executed during the bootstrap.

  • engine_name – Name of engine to launch (e.g. tk-nuke).

  • entity (Dictionary with keys type and id, or None for the site.) – Shotgun entity to launch engine for.


Engine instance.

bootstrap_engine_async(engine_name, entity=None, completed_callback=None, failed_callback=None, parent=None)[source]

Asynchronous version of bootstrap_engine().

Create an Sgtk instance for the given engine and entity, then launch into the given engine.

This method launches the bootstrap process and returns immediately. The Sgtk instance will be bootstrapped asynchronously in a background thread, followed by launching the engine synchronously in the main application thread. This will allow the main application to continue its execution and remain responsive when bootstrapping the toolkit involves downloading files and installing apps from the toolkit app store.

If entity is None, the method will bootstrap into the site config. This method will attempt to resolve the config according to business logic set in the associated resolver class and based on this launch a configuration. This may involve downloading new apps from the toolkit app store and installing files on disk.

Two callback functions can be provided.

A callback function that handles cleanup after successful completion of the bootstrap with the following signature:

def completed_callback(engine):
    Called by the asynchronous bootstrap upon completion.

    :param engine: Engine instance representing the engine
                   that was launched.

A callback function that handles cleanup after failed completion of the bootstrap with the following signature:

def failed_callback(phase, exception):
    Called by the asynchronous bootstrap if an exception is raised.

    :param phase: Indicates in which phase of the bootstrap the exception
                  was raised. An integer constant which is either
                  ToolkitManager.TOOLKIT_BOOTSTRAP_PHASE or
                  ToolkitManager.ENGINE_STARTUP_PHASE. The former if the
                  failure happened while the system was still bootstrapping
                  and the latter if the system had switched over into the
                  Toolkit startup phase. At this point, the running core API
                  instance may have been swapped over to another version than
                  the one that was originally loaded and may need to be reset
                  in an implementation of this callback.

    :param exception: The python exception that was raised.
  • engine_name – Name of engine to launch (e.g. tk-nuke).

  • entity (Dictionary with keys type and id, or None for the site.) – Shotgun entity to launch engine for.

  • completed_callback – Callback function that handles cleanup after successful completion of the bootstrap.

  • failed_callback – Callback function that handles cleanup after failed completion of the bootstrap.

  • parent – The parent object used for the async bootstrapper. This will be necessary in some environments, as it will prevent the thread used to bootstrap from being garbage collected before it completes its work. An example input for this argument would be to provide a reference to the main window of the parent application being integrated with (ie: Maya, Nuke, etc), which is guaranteed to remain in memory for the duration of bootstrap process.

prepare_engine(engine_name, entity)[source]

Updates and caches a configuration on disk for a given project. The resolution of the pipeline configuration will follow the same rules as the method ToolkitManager.bootstrap_engine(), but it simply caches all the bundles for later use instead of bootstrapping directly into it.

  • engine_name (str) – Name of the engine instance to cache if using sparse caching. If None, all engine instances will be cached.

  • entity – An entity link. If the entity is not a project, the project for that entity will be resolved.


Path to the fully realized pipeline configuration on disk and to the descriptor that spawned it.

Return type:

(str, sgtk.descriptor.ConfigDescriptor)


Retrieves the pipeline configurations available for a given project.

In order for a pipeline configuration to be considered as available, the following conditions must be met:

  • There can only be one primary

  • If there is one site level and one project level primary, the site level primary is not available.

  • If there are multiple site level or multiple project level primaries, only the one with the lowest id is available, unless one or more of them is a Toolkit Centralized Primary, in which case the Toolkit Centralized Primary with the lowest id will be returned.

  • A Descriptor object must be able to be created from the pipeline configuration.

  • All sandboxes are available.

In practice, this means that if there are 3 primaries, two of them using plugin ids and one of them not using them, the one not using a plugin id will always be used.

This filtering also takes into account the current user and optional pipeline configuration name or id. If the pipeline_configuration() property has been set to a string, it will look for pipeline configurations with that specific name. If it has been set to None, any pipeline that can be applied for the current user and project will be retrieved. Note that this method does not support pipeline_configuration() being an integer.

Return value

The data structure returned is a dictionary with several keys to describe the configuration, for example:

{'descriptor': <CachedConfigDescriptor <IODescriptorAppStore sgtk:descriptor:app_store?name=tk-config-basic&version=v1.1.6>>,
 'descriptor_source_uri': 'sgtk:descriptor:app_store?name=tk-config-basic',
 'id': 500,
 'name': 'Primary',
 'project': {'id': 123, 'name': 'Test Project', 'type': 'Project'},
 'type': 'PipelineConfiguration'}

The returned dictionary mimics the result of a Shotgun API query, including standard fields for type, id, name and project. In addition, the resolved descriptor object is returned in a descriptor key.

For pipeline configurations which are defined in Shotgun via their descriptor field, this field is returned in a descriptor_source_uri key. For pipeline configurations defined via an uploaded attachment or explicit path fields, the descriptor_source_uri key will return None.


Note as per the example above how the descriptor_source_uri value can be different than the uri of the resolved descriptor; this happens in the case when a descriptor uri is omitting the version number and tracking against the latest version number available. In that case, the descriptor key will contain the fully resolved descriptor object, representing the latest descriptor version as of right now, where as the descriptor_source_uri key contains the versionless descriptor uri string as it is defined in Shotgun.


project (Dictionary with keys type and id.) – Project entity link to enumerate pipeline configurations for. If None, this will enumerate the pipeline configurations for the site configuration.


List of pipeline configurations.

Return type:

List of dictionaries with syntax described above. The pipeline configurations will always be sorted such as the primary pipeline configuration, if available, will be first. Then the remaining pipeline configurations will be sorted by name field (case insensitive), then the project field and finally then id field.


Standardized environment variable retrieval.

Helper method that looks for the standard environment variables SHOTGUN_SITE, SHOTGUN_ENTITY_TYPE and SHOTGUN_ENTITY_ID and attempts to extract and validate them. This is typically used in conjunction with bootstrap_engine(). The standard environment variables read by this method can be generated by get_standard_plugin_environment().


Standard Shotgun entity dictionary with type and id or None if not defined.


Resolves a pipeline configuration and returns its associated descriptor object.


project (dict) – The project entity, or None.

static get_core_python_path()[source]

Computes the path to the current Toolkit core.

The current Toolkit core is defined as the core that gets imported when you type import sgtk and the python path is derived from that module.

For example, if the sgtk module was found at /path/to/config/install/core/python/sgtk, the return path would be /path/to/config/install/core/python

This can be useful if you want to hand down to a subprocess the location of the current process’s core, since sys.path and the PYTHONPATH are not updated after bootstrapping.


Path to the current core.

Return type:


Exception Classes

class sgtk.bootstrap.TankBootstrapError[source]

Bases: TankError

Base class for all bootstrap related errors


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class sgtk.bootstrap.TankMissingTankNameError[source]

Bases: TankBootstrapError

Raised when a project’s tank_name field is not set.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

Installing the sgtk module using pip

When running Toolkit using the bootstrap API above, you need access to the ToolkitManager class in order to kickstart the bootstrap process. Once you have started the bootstrap, Toolkit will download all the necessary components for the given configuration you are bootstrapping into, potentially even including a different version of the core API than you are using to bootstrap with.

In order to fully automate this process programatically, you need an sgtk instance to begin with. One way to accomplish this is to use pip (see Use the following syntax:

pip install git+

Where you swap the VERSION text with the latest version in the format of vx.x.x. If you want to add an sgtk core to a requirements.txt file, use the following syntax:



In order to use pip, you currently need to have the git executable installed on the system that you are deploying to.


We strongly recommend always providing a version number. Not providing a version number will currently download the latest commit from the master branch and associate it with the highest available version number tag. Such downloads are likely to contain changes which have not yet been full tested.

Launching Software

In order to run software integrations in the form of a Toolkit Engine, it is necessary to be able to easily launch the software and initialize Toolkit once the software environment.

Toolkit offers a centralized set of APIs to make this task straight forward. Each engine implements the following:

  • How installed versions of the software are auto-detected

  • How to launch the software and what environment to pass

  • How to make sure the Toolkit integration auto-loads once the software has launched.


These APIs can be wrapped inside a Toolkit app or simliar in order to create a centralized launcher experience. The tk-multi-launchapp is an example of such an implementation.

A Simple Launch Application

The Toolkit core API provides an interface that custom applications can use to implement the business logic for launching DCC software related to a particular Toolkit engine. This interface is comprised of a factory method create_engine_launcher() and classes SoftwareLauncher, SoftwareVersion, and LaunchInformation. The factory method is called for a specific engine in the environment configuration and returns a SoftwareLauncher subclass instance implemented by that engine.

Methods on the launcher instance can be used to determine which versions of the DCC are installed on the local filesystem and the proper environment, including command line arguments, required for a successful launch.

The following lines of python code demonstrate how to launch Maya using the core interface:

import subprocess
import sgtk

# Create a Toolkit Core API instance based on a project path or
# path that points directly at a pipeline configuration.
tk = sgtk.sgtk_from_path("/site/project_root")

# Specify the context the DCC will be started up in.
context = tk.context_from_path("/site/project_root/sequences/AAA/ABC/Light/work")

# Using a core factory method, construct a SoftwareLauncher
# subclass for the desired tk engine.
software_launcher = sgtk.platform.create_engine_launcher(tk, context, "tk-maya")

# Use the SoftwareLauncher instance to find a list of Maya versions installed on the
# local filesystem. A list of SoftwareVersion instances is returned.
software_versions = software_launcher.scan_software()

# Ask the SoftwareLauncher instance to prepare an environment to launch Maya in.
# For simplicity, use the first version returned from the list of software_versions.
launch_info = software_launcher.prepare_launch(software_versions[0].path)

# Launch Maya!
launch_command = "%s %s" % (launch_info.path, launch_info.args)
subprocess.Popen([launch_command], env=launch_info.environment)

Engine Implementation

If you are writing a Toolkit software integration (an Engine), you should include logic for how the software is being launched and how Toolkit should initialize after launch. This is done by providing a subclass of SoftwareLauncher. This class should be located in a file at the engine root level, analogous to the file.

In addition to this, we recommend a convention where the startup scripts that launch Toolkit once the software is running are located in a startup folder.


Two methods should be implemented in the file:

A basic file for the Maya engine would contain the following:

from sgtk.platform import SoftwareLauncher, SoftwareVersion, LaunchInformation

class MayaLauncher(SoftwareLauncher):

    def scan_software(self):
        # Construct a list of SoftwareVersion instances
        # representing executable versions of the software
        # installed on the local filesystem. This can include
        # variations, icons, version numbers etc.
        software_versions = []
        return software_versions

    def prepare_launch(self, exec_path, args, file_to_open=None):
        # Construct an environment to launch the DCC in,
        # confirm the correct executable path to
        # launch, and provide required command line args.
        # Return this information as a
        # LaunchInformation instance.
        correct_executable_path = ""
        command_line_args = ""
        launch_environment = {}

        # once the software has launched, execute
        # startup script startup/
        launch_environment["PYTHONPATH"] = os.path.join(self.disk_location, "startup")

        # make sure to include some standard fields describing the current context and site
        std_env = self.get_standard_plugin_environment()

        launch_information = LaunchInformation(
        return launch_information

After software launch

Note how the prepare_launch() method in the example above modifies the PYTHONPATH. Later on as Maya is launching, it will look for a file in the startup folder. This file can then launch the actual Toolkit integration, typically using the sgtk.bootstrap.ToolkitManager interfaces.


How to initialize and run code at startup will vary from DCC to DCC. The supported Toolkit engines for Maya, Nuke, and Houdini are good reference implementations.

Also note how the example code above calls get_standard_plugin_environment(). This will include a set of default environment variables which can be picked up by the startup script and initialize Toolkit with the correct site, context etc.

Settings and configuration

You can access any engine settings defined in the environment using the SoftwareLauncher.get_setting() method. This means that you can create a configurable launcher setup, following the exact same patterns that are used for engine settings.


If you need to pass a setting into your startup script, read it in using the get_setting() during prepare_launch() and pass it as an environment variable into your startup script.

Software Launch APIs

This section contains the techincal documentation for the core classes and methods described in the Launching Software section above.

sgtk.platform.create_engine_launcher(tk, context, engine_name, versions=None, products=None)[source]

Factory method that creates a SoftwareLauncher subclass instance implemented by a toolkit engine in the environment config that can be used by a custom script or toolkit app. The engine subclass manages the business logic for DCC executable path discovery and the environmental requirements for launching the DCC. Toolkit is automatically started up during the DCC’s launch phase. A very simple example of how this works is demonstrated here:

>>> import subprocess
>>> import sgtk
>>> tk = sgtk.sgtk_from_path("/studio/project_root")
>>> context = tk.context_from_path("/studio/project_root/sequences/AAA/ABC/Light/work")
>>> launcher = sgtk.platform.create_engine_launcher(tk, context, "tk-maya")
>>> software_versions = launcher.scan_software()
>>> launch_info = launcher.prepare_launch(
...     software_versions[0].path,
...     args,
...     "/studio/project_root/sequences/AAA/ABC/Light/work/"
... )
>>> subprocess.Popen([launch_info.path + " " + launch_info.args], env=launch_info.environment)

where software_versions is a list of SoftwareVersion instances and launch_info is a LaunchInformation instance. This example will launch the first version of Maya found installed on the local filesystem, automatically start the tk-maya engine for that Maya session, and open /studio/project_root/sequences/AAA/ABC/Light/work/

  • tkSgtk Toolkit instance.

  • contextContext Context to launch the DCC in.

  • engine_name (str) – Name of the Toolkit engine associated with the DCC(s) to launch.

  • versions (list) – A list of version strings for filtering software versions. See the SoftwareLauncher for more info.

  • products (list) – A list of product strings for filtering software versions. See the SoftwareLauncher for more info.

Return type:

SoftwareLauncher instance or None if the engine can be found on disk, but no file exists.


TankError if the specified engine cannot be found on disk.


class sgtk.platform.SoftwareLauncher(tk, context, engine_name, env, versions=None, products=None)[source]

Functionality related to the discovery and launch of a DCC. This class should only be constructed through the create_engine_launcher() factory method.

  • tkSgtk Toolkit instance

  • context – A Context object to define the context on disk where the engine is operating.

  • engine_name (str) – Name of the Toolkit engine associated with the DCC(s) to launch.

  • env – An Environment object to associate with this launcher.

  • versions (list) – List of strings representing versions to search for. If set to None or [], search for all versions. A version string is DCC-specific but could be something like “2017”, “6.3v7” or “”

  • products (list) – List of strings representing product names to search for. If set to None or [], search for all products. A product string is DCC-specific but could be something like “Houdini FX”, “Houdini Core” or “Houdini”

The following methods can be used by subclasses to help implement scan_software().


Inspects the supplied SoftwareVersion object to see if it aligns with this launcher’s known product and version limitations. Will check the minimum_supported_version() as well as the list of product and version filters.


sw_versionSoftwareVersion object to test against the launcher’s product and version limitations.


A tuple of the form: (bool, str) where the first item is a boolean indicating whether the supplied SoftwareVersion is supported or not. The second argument is "" if supported, but if not supported will be a string representing the reason the support check failed.

This helper method can be used by subclasses in the scan_software() method.

The method can be overridden by subclasses that require more sophisticated SoftwareVersion support checks.

_glob_and_match(match_template, template_key_expressions)[source]

This is a helper method that can be invoked in an implementation of scan_software().

The match_template argument provides a template to use both for globbing files and then pattern matching them using regular expressions provided by the tokens_expressions dictionary.

The method will first substitute every token surrounded by {} from the template with a * for globbing files. It will then replace the tokens in the template with the regular expressions that were provided.


    "C:\\Program Files\\Nuke{full_version}\\Nuke{major_minor_version}.exe",
        "full_version": r"[\d.v]+",
        "major_minor_version": r"[\d.]+"

The example above would look for every file matching the glob C:\Program Files\softwares\Nuke*\Nuke*.exe and then run the regular expression C:\\Program Files\\Nuke([\d.v]+)\\Nuke([\d.]+).exe on each match. Each match will be comprised of a path and a dictionary with they token’s value.

For example, if Nuke 10.0v1 was installed, the following would have been returned:

[("C:\\Program Files\\Nuke10.0v1\\Nuke10.1.exe",
  {"full_version": "10.0v1", "major_minor_version"="10.0"})]
  • match_template (str) – String template that will be used both for globbing and performing a regular expression.

  • template_key_expressions (dict) – Dictionary of regular expressions that can be substituted in the template. The key should be the name of the token to substitute.


A list of tuples containing the path and a dictionary with each token’s value.

property context

The Context associated with this launcher.

property sgtk

The Sgtk instance associated with this item

property disk_location

The folder on disk where this item is located. This can be useful if you want to write app code to retrieve a local resource:

app_font = os.path.join(self.disk_location, "resources", "font.fnt")
property display_name

The display name for the item. Automatically appends ‘Startup’ to the end of the display name if that string is missing from the display name (e.g. Maya Engine Startup)

property engine_name

Returns the toolkit engine name this launcher is based on as a str.

property logger

Logger for this launcher. Use this whenever you want to emit or process log messages.

property shotgun

shotgun_api3.Shotgun handle associated with the currently running environment. This method is a convenience method that calls out to shotgun().

property minimum_supported_version

The minimum software version that is supported by the launcher. Returned as a string, for example 2015 or 2015.3.sp3. Returns None if no constraint has been set.

property products

A list of product names limiting executable discovery.


["Houdini", "Houdini Core", "Houdini FX"]
property versions

A list of versions limiting executable discovery.


["15.5.324", ""]
prepare_launch(exec_path, args, file_to_open=None)[source]

This is an abstract method that must be implemented by a subclass. The engine implementation should prepare an environment to launch the specified executable path in.


By returning an executable path and args string, we allow for a workflow where the engine launcher can rewrite the launch sequence in arbitrary ways. For example, if a DCC has a pre-check phase that requires input from a human, a different executable path that launches a standalone UI which in turn launches the specified path can be returned with the appropriate args.

  • exec_path (str) – Path to DCC executable to launch

  • args (str) – Command line arguments as strings

  • file_to_open (str) – (optional) Full path name of a file to open on launch


LaunchInformation instance

get_setting(key, default=None)[source]

Get a value from the item’s settings:

>>> app.get_setting('entity_types')
['Sequence', 'Shot', 'Asset', 'Task']
  • key – config name

  • default – default value to return


Value from the environment configuration


Create a standard plugin environment, suitable for plugins to utilize. This will compute the following environment variables:

  • SHOTGUN_SITE: Derived from the Toolkit instance’s site url

  • SHOTGUN_ENTITY_TYPE: Derived from the current context

  • SHOTGUN_ENTITY_ID: Derived from the current context

  • SHOTGUN_PIPELINE_CONFIGURATION_ID: Derived from the current pipeline config id

  • SHOTGUN_BUNDLE_CACHE_FALLBACK_PATHS: Derived from the curent pipeline configuration’s list of bundle cache fallback paths.

These environment variables are set when launching a new process to capture the state of Toolkit so we can launch in the same environment. It ensures subprocesses have access to the same bundle caches, which allows to reuse already cached bundles.


Dictionary of environment variables.


Performs a search for supported software installations.

Typical implementations will use functionality such as _glob_and_match() or glob.glob() to locate all versions and variations of executables on disk and then create SoftwareVersion objects for each executable and check against the launcher’s lists of supported version and product variations via the _is_supported() method.


List of SoftwareVersion supported by this launcher.

Return type:



class sgtk.platform.SoftwareVersion(version, product, path, icon=None, args=None)[source]

Container class that stores properties of a DCC that are useful for Toolkit Engine Startup functionality.

  • version (str) – Explicit version of the DCC represented (e.g. 2017)

  • product (str) – Explicit product name of the DCC represented (e.g. “Houdini Apprentice”)

  • path (str) – Full path to the DCC executable.

  • icon (str) – (optional) Full path to a 256x256 (or smaller) png file to use for graphical displays of this SoftwareVersion.

  • args (list) – (optional) List of command line arguments that need to be passed down to the DCC.

property version

An explicit version of the DCC represented by this :class`SoftwareVersion`.


String version

property product

An explicit product name for the DCC represented by this :class`SoftwareVersion`. Example: “Houdini FX”


String product name

property display_name

Name to use for this :class`SoftwareVersion` in graphical displays.


String display name, a combination of the product and version.

property path

Specified path to the DCC executable. May be relative.


String path

property icon

Path to the icon to use for graphical displays of this SoftwareVersion. Expected to be a 256x256 (or smaller) png file.


String path

property args

Command line arguments required to launch the DCC.


List of string arguments.


class sgtk.platform.LaunchInformation(path=None, args=None, environ=None)[source]

Stores blueprints for how to launch a specific DCC which includes required environment variables, the executable path, and command line arguments to pass when launching the DCC. For example, given a LaunchInformation instance launch_info, open a DCC using subprocess:

>>> launch_cmd = "%s %s" % (launch_info.path, launch_info.args)
>>> subprocess.Popen([launch_cmd], env=launch_info.environment)

A LaunchInformation instance is generally obtained from an engine’s subclass implementation of SoftwareLauncher.prepare_launch`()

  • path (str) – Resolved path to DCC

  • args (str) – Args to pass on the command line when launching the DCC

  • environ (dict) – Environment variables that must be set to successfully launch the DCC.

property path

The DCC path to launch


String path

property args

Arguments to pass to the DCC on launch


String args

property environment

Dictionary of environment variables to set before launching DCC.


Dict {env_var: value}