Source code for tank.platform.software_launcher

# Copyright (c) 2016 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.

Defines the base class for DCC application launchers all Toolkit engines
should implement.

import os
import sys
import glob
import pprint

from ..errors import TankError
from ..log import LogManager
from ..util.loader import load_plugin
from ..util.version import is_version_older
from ..util import ShotgunPath, is_windows, sgre as re

from . import constants
from . import validation

from .bundle import resolve_setting_value
from .engine import get_env_and_descriptor_for_engine

# std core level logger
core_logger = LogManager.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def create_engine_launcher(tk, context, engine_name, versions=None, products=None): """ Factory method that creates a :class:`SoftwareLauncher` subclass instance implemented by a toolkit engine in the environment config that can be used by a custom script or toolkit app. The engine subclass manages the business logic for DCC executable path discovery and the environmental requirements for launching the DCC. Toolkit is automatically started up during the DCC's launch phase. A very simple example of how this works is demonstrated here:: >>> import subprocess >>> import sgtk >>> tk = sgtk.sgtk_from_path("/studio/project_root") >>> context = tk.context_from_path("/studio/project_root/sequences/AAA/ABC/Light/work") >>> launcher = sgtk.platform.create_engine_launcher(tk, context, "tk-maya") >>> software_versions = launcher.scan_software() >>> launch_info = launcher.prepare_launch( ... software_versions[0].path, ... args, ... "/studio/project_root/sequences/AAA/ABC/Light/work/" ... ) >>> subprocess.Popen([launch_info.path + " " + launch_info.args], env=launch_info.environment) where ``software_versions`` is a list of :class:`SoftwareVersion` instances and ``launch_info`` is a :class:`LaunchInformation` instance. This example will launch the first version of Maya found installed on the local filesystem, automatically start the tk-maya engine for that Maya session, and open /studio/project_root/sequences/AAA/ABC/Light/work/ :param tk: :class:`~sgtk.Sgtk` Toolkit instance. :param context: :class:`~sgtk.Context` Context to launch the DCC in. :param str engine_name: Name of the Toolkit engine associated with the DCC(s) to launch. :param list versions: A list of version strings for filtering software versions. See the :class:`SoftwareLauncher` for more info. :param list products: A list of product strings for filtering software versions. See the :class:`SoftwareLauncher` for more info. :rtype: :class:`SoftwareLauncher` instance or ``None`` if the engine can be found on disk, but no ```` file exists. :raises: :class:`TankError` if the specified engine cannot be found on disk. """ # Get the engine environment and descriptor using code (env, engine_descriptor) = get_env_and_descriptor_for_engine( engine_name, tk, context ) # Make sure it exists locally if not engine_descriptor.exists_local(): raise TankError( "Cannot create %s software launcher! %s does not exist on disk." % (engine_name, engine_descriptor) ) # Get path to engine startup code and load it. engine_path = engine_descriptor.get_path() plugin_file = os.path.join(engine_path, constants.ENGINE_SOFTWARE_LAUNCHER_FILE) # Since we don't know what version of the engine is currently # installed, the plugin file may not exist. if not os.path.isfile(plugin_file): # Nothing to do. core_logger.debug( "SoftwareLauncher plugin file '%s' does not exist!" % plugin_file ) return None core_logger.debug("Loading SoftwareLauncher plugin '%s' ..." % plugin_file) class_obj = load_plugin(plugin_file, SoftwareLauncher) launcher = class_obj(tk, context, engine_name, env, versions, products) core_logger.debug("Created SoftwareLauncher instance: %s" % launcher) # Return the SoftwareLauncher instance return launcher
[docs]class SoftwareLauncher(object): """ Functionality related to the discovery and launch of a DCC. This class should only be constructed through the :meth:`create_engine_launcher` factory method. """ def __init__(self, tk, context, engine_name, env, versions=None, products=None): """ :param tk: :class:`~sgtk.Sgtk` Toolkit instance :param context: A :class:`~sgtk.Context` object to define the context on disk where the engine is operating. :param str engine_name: Name of the Toolkit engine associated with the DCC(s) to launch. :param env: An :class:`~sgtk.platform.environment.Environment` object to associate with this launcher. :param list versions: List of strings representing versions to search for. If set to ``None`` or ``[]``, search for all versions. A version string is DCC-specific but could be something like "2017", "6.3v7" or "" :param list products: List of strings representing product names to search for. If set to ``None`` or ``[]``, search for all products. A product string is DCC-specific but could be something like "Houdini FX", "Houdini Core" or "Houdini" """ # get the engine settings settings = env.get_engine_settings(engine_name) # get the descriptor representing the engine descriptor = env.get_engine_descriptor(engine_name) # check that the context contains all the info that the launcher needs validation.validate_context(descriptor, context) # make sure the current operating system platform is supported validation.validate_platform(descriptor) # Once validated, initialize members of this class. Since this code only # runs during the pre-launch phase of an engine, there are no # opportunities to change the Context or environment. Safe to cache # these values. self.__tk = tk self.__context = context self.__environment = env self.__engine_settings = settings self.__engine_descriptor = descriptor self.__engine_name = engine_name # product and version string lists to limit the scope of sw discovery self._products = products or [] self._lower_case_products = [product.lower() for product in self._products] self._versions = versions or [] ########################################################################################## # properties @property def context(self): """ The :class:`~sgtk.Context` associated with this launcher. """ return self.__context @property def descriptor(self): """ Internal method - not part of Tank's public interface. This method may be changed or even removed at some point in the future. We leave no guarantees that it will remain unchanged over time, so do not use in any app code. """ return self.__engine_descriptor @property def settings(self): """ Internal method - not part of Tank's public interface. This method may be changed or even removed at some point in the future. We leave no guarantees that it will remain unchanged over time, so do not use in any app code. """ return self.__engine_settings @property def sgtk(self): """ The :class:`~sgtk.Sgtk` instance associated with this item """ return self.__tk @property def disk_location(self): """ The folder on disk where this item is located. This can be useful if you want to write app code to retrieve a local resource:: app_font = os.path.join(self.disk_location, "resources", "font.fnt") """ path_to_this_file = os.path.abspath(sys.modules[self.__module__].__file__) return os.path.dirname(path_to_this_file) @property def display_name(self): """ The display name for the item. Automatically appends 'Startup' to the end of the display name if that string is missing from the display name (e.g. Maya Engine Startup) """ disp_name = self.descriptor.display_name if not disp_name.lower().endswith("startup"): # Append "Startup" to the default descriptor # display_name to distinguish it from the # engine's display name. disp_name = "%s Startup" % disp_name return disp_name @property def engine_name(self): """ Returns the toolkit engine name this launcher is based on as a ``str``. """ return self.__engine_name @property def logger(self): """ :class:`~logging.Logger` for this launcher. Use this whenever you want to emit or process log messages. """ return LogManager.get_logger( "env.%s.%s.startup" % (, self.__engine_name) ) @property def shotgun(self): """ :class:`shotgun_api3.Shotgun` handle associated with the currently running environment. This method is a convenience method that calls out to :meth:`~sgtk.Tank.shotgun`. """ return self.sgtk.shotgun @property def minimum_supported_version(self): """ The minimum software version that is supported by the launcher. Returned as a string, for example `2015` or `2015.3.sp3`. Returns ``None`` if no constraint has been set. """ # returns none by default, subclassed by implementing classes return None @property def products(self): """ A list of product names limiting executable discovery. Example:: ["Houdini", "Houdini Core", "Houdini FX"] """ return self._products @property def versions(self): """ A list of versions limiting executable discovery. Example:: ["15.5.324", ""] """ return self._versions ########################################################################################## # abstract methods
[docs] def prepare_launch(self, exec_path, args, file_to_open=None): """ This is an abstract method that must be implemented by a subclass. The engine implementation should prepare an environment to launch the specified executable path in. .. note:: By returning an executable path and args string, we allow for a workflow where the engine launcher can rewrite the launch sequence in arbitrary ways. For example, if a DCC has a pre-check phase that requires input from a human, a different executable path that launches a standalone UI which in turn launches the specified path can be returned with the appropriate args. :param str exec_path: Path to DCC executable to launch :param str args: Command line arguments as strings :param str file_to_open: (optional) Full path name of a file to open on launch :returns: :class:`LaunchInformation` instance """ raise NotImplementedError
def _format(self, template, tokens): """ Limited implementation of Python 2.6-like str.format. :param str template: String using {<name>} tokens for substitution. :param dict tokens: Dictionary of <name> to substitute for <value>. :returns: The substituted string, when "<name>" will yield "<value>". """ for key, value in tokens.items(): template = template.replace("{%s}" % key, value) return template
[docs] def _glob_and_match(self, match_template, template_key_expressions): r""" This is a helper method that can be invoked in an implementation of :meth:`scan_software`. The ``match_template`` argument provides a template to use both for globbing files and then pattern matching them using regular expressions provided by the ``tokens_expressions`` dictionary. The method will first substitute every token surrounded by ``{}`` from the template with a ``*`` for globbing files. It will then replace the tokens in the template with the regular expressions that were provided. Example:: self._glob_and_match( "C:\\Program Files\\Nuke{full_version}\\Nuke{major_minor_version}.exe", { "full_version": r"[\d.v]+", "major_minor_version": r"[\d.]+" } ) The example above would look for every file matching the glob ``C:\Program Files\softwares\Nuke*\Nuke*.exe`` and then run the regular expression ``C:\\Program Files\\Nuke([\d.v]+)\\Nuke([\d.]+).exe`` on each match. Each match will be comprised of a path and a dictionary with they token's value. For example, if Nuke 10.0v1 was installed, the following would have been returned:: [("C:\\Program Files\\Nuke10.0v1\\Nuke10.1.exe", {"full_version": "10.0v1", "major_minor_version"="10.0"})] :param str match_template: String template that will be used both for globbing and performing a regular expression. :param dict template_key_expressions: Dictionary of regular expressions that can be substituted in the template. The key should be the name of the token to substitute. :returns: A list of tuples containing the path and a dictionary with each token's value. """ # Sanitize glob pattern. fixed_match_template = ShotgunPath.from_current_os_path( match_template ).current_os if fixed_match_template != match_template: self.logger.debug( "Template was sanitized from '%s' to '%s'" % (match_template, fixed_match_template) ) match_template = fixed_match_template # First start by globbing files. glob_pattern = self._format( match_template, dict((key, "*") for key in template_key_expressions) ) self.logger.debug("Globbing for executable matching: %s ..." % (glob_pattern,)) matching_paths = glob.glob(glob_pattern) # If nothing was found, we can leave right away. if not matching_paths: self.logger.debug("No matches were found.") return [] self.logger.debug( "Found %s matches: %s" % (len(matching_paths), matching_paths) ) # Now prepare the template to be turned into a regular expression. First, double up the # backward slashes to escape them properly in the regular expression on Windows. if is_windows(): regex_pattern = match_template.replace("\\", "\\\\") else: regex_pattern = match_template # Then swap the tokens into the regular template key expressions. regex_pattern = self._format( regex_pattern, # Put () around the provided expressions so that they become capture groups. dict( (k, "(?P<%s>%s)" % (k, v)) for k, v in template_key_expressions.items() ), ) # accumulate the software version objects to return. this will include # include the head/tail anchors in the regex regex_pattern = "^%s$" % (regex_pattern,) self.logger.debug("Now matching components with regex: %s" % (regex_pattern,)) # compile the regex executable_regex = re.compile(regex_pattern, re.IGNORECASE) # iterate over each executable found for the glob pattern and find # matched components via the regex matches = [] for matching_path in matching_paths: self.logger.debug("Processing path: %s" % (matching_path,)) match = executable_regex.match(matching_path) if not match: self.logger.debug("Path did not match regex.") continue matches.append((matching_path, match.groupdict())) return matches
########################################################################################## # public methods
[docs] def get_setting(self, key, default=None): """ Get a value from the item's settings:: >>> app.get_setting('entity_types') ['Sequence', 'Shot', 'Asset', 'Task'] :param key: config name :param default: default value to return :returns: Value from the environment configuration """ # An old use case exists whereby the key does not exist in the # config schema so we need to account for that. schema = self.descriptor.configuration_schema.get(key, None) # Use method to resolve the setting value return resolve_setting_value( self.sgtk, self.engine_name, schema, self.settings, key, default )
[docs] def get_standard_plugin_environment(self): """ Create a standard plugin environment, suitable for plugins to utilize. This will compute the following environment variables: - ``SHOTGUN_SITE``: Derived from the Toolkit instance's site url - ``SHOTGUN_ENTITY_TYPE``: Derived from the current context - ``SHOTGUN_ENTITY_ID``: Derived from the current context - ``SHOTGUN_PIPELINE_CONFIGURATION_ID``: Derived from the current pipeline config id - ``SHOTGUN_BUNDLE_CACHE_FALLBACK_PATHS``: Derived from the curent pipeline configuration's list of bundle cache fallback paths. These environment variables are set when launching a new process to capture the state of Toolkit so we can launch in the same environment. It ensures subprocesses have access to the same bundle caches, which allows to reuse already cached bundles. :returns: Dictionary of environment variables. """ self.logger.debug("Computing standard plugin environment variables...") env = {} # site env["SHOTGUN_SITE"] = self.sgtk.shotgun_url # pipeline config id # note: get_shotgun_id() returns None for unmanaged configs. pipeline_config_id = self.sgtk.pipeline_configuration.get_shotgun_id() if pipeline_config_id: env["SHOTGUN_PIPELINE_CONFIGURATION_ID"] = str(pipeline_config_id) else: self.logger.debug( "Pipeline configuration doesn't have an id. " "Not setting SHOTGUN_PIPELINE_CONFIGURATION_ID." ) bundle_cache_fallback_paths = os.pathsep.join( self.sgtk.pipeline_configuration.get_bundle_cache_fallback_paths() ) if bundle_cache_fallback_paths: env["SHOTGUN_BUNDLE_CACHE_FALLBACK_PATHS"] = bundle_cache_fallback_paths else: self.logger.debug( "Pipeline configuration doesn't have bundle cache fallback paths. " "Not setting SHOTGUN_BUNDLE_CACHE_FALLBACK_PATHS." ) # get the most accurate entity, first see if there is a task, then entity then project entity_dict = self.context.task or self.context.entity or self.context.project if entity_dict: env["SHOTGUN_ENTITY_TYPE"] = entity_dict["type"] env["SHOTGUN_ENTITY_ID"] = str(entity_dict["id"]) else: self.logger.debug( "No context found. Not setting SHOTGUN_ENTITY_TYPE and SHOTGUN_ENTITY_ID." ) self.logger.debug("Returning Plugin Environment: \n%s" % pprint.pformat(env)) return env
[docs] def scan_software(self): """ Performs a search for supported software installations. Typical implementations will use functionality such as :meth:`_glob_and_match` or :meth:`glob.glob` to locate all versions and variations of executables on disk and then create :class:`SoftwareVersion` objects for each executable and check against the launcher's lists of supported version and product variations via the :meth:`_is_supported` method. :returns: List of :class:`SoftwareVersion` supported by this launcher. :rtype: list """ raise NotImplementedError
########################################################################################## # protected methods
[docs] def _is_supported(self, sw_version): """ Inspects the supplied :class:`SoftwareVersion` object to see if it aligns with this launcher's known product and version limitations. Will check the :meth:`~minimum_supported_version` as well as the list of product and version filters. :param sw_version: :class:`SoftwareVersion` object to test against the launcher's product and version limitations. :returns: A tuple of the form: ``(bool, str)`` where the first item is a boolean indicating whether the supplied :class:`SoftwareVersion` is supported or not. The second argument is ``""`` if supported, but if not supported will be a string representing the reason the support check failed. This helper method can be used by subclasses in the :meth:`scan_software` method. The method can be overridden by subclasses that require more sophisticated :class:`SoftwareVersion` support checks. """ # check version support if not self.__is_version_supported(sw_version.version): return ( False, "Executable '%s' didn't meet the version requirements" "(%s not in %s or is older than %s)" % ( sw_version.path, sw_version.version, self.versions, self.minimum_supported_version, ), ) # check products list if not self.__is_product_supported(sw_version.product): return ( False, "Executable '%s' didn't meet the product requirements" "(%s not in %s)" % (sw_version.path, sw_version.product, self.products), ) # passed all checks. must be supported! return (True, "")
def __is_version_supported(self, version): """ Returns ``True`` if the supplied version string is supported by the launcher, ``False`` otherwise. The method first checks against the minimum supported version. If the supplied version is greater it then checks to ensure that it is in the launcher's ``versions`` constraint. If there are no constraints on the versions, the method will return ``True``. :param str version: A string representing the version to check against. :return: Boolean indicating if the supplied version string is supported. """ # first, compare against the minimum version min_version = self.minimum_supported_version if min_version and is_version_older(version, min_version): # the version is older than the minimum supported version return False if not self.versions: # No version restriction. All versions supported return True # check versions list return version in self.versions def __is_product_supported(self, product): """ Returns ``True`` if the supplied product name string is supported by the launcher, ``False`` otherwise. The method checks to ensure that the product name is in the launcher's ``products`` constraint. If there are no constraints on the products, the method will return ``True``. .. note:: Product name comparison is case-insensitive. :param str product: A string representing the product name to check against. :return: Boolean indicating if the supplied product name string is supported. """ if not self.products: # No product restriction. All product variations are supported return True # check products list return product.lower() in self._lower_case_products
[docs]class SoftwareVersion(object): """ Container class that stores properties of a DCC that are useful for Toolkit Engine Startup functionality. """ def __init__(self, version, product, path, icon=None, args=None): """ :param str version: Explicit version of the DCC represented (e.g. 2017) :param str product: Explicit product name of the DCC represented (e.g. "Houdini Apprentice") :param str path: Full path to the DCC executable. :param str icon: (optional) Full path to a 256x256 (or smaller) ``png`` file to use for graphical displays of this :class:`SoftwareVersion`. :param list args: (optional) List of command line arguments that need to be passed down to the DCC. """ self._version = version self._product = product self._path = path self._icon_path = icon self._args = args or [] def __repr__(self): """ Returns unique str representation of the software version """ return "<SoftwareVersion 0x%08x: %s %s, path: %s args: %s>" % ( id(self), self.product, self.version, self.path, self.args, ) @property def version(self): """ An explicit version of the DCC represented by this :class`SoftwareVersion`. :returns: String version """ return self._version @property def product(self): """ An explicit product name for the DCC represented by this :class`SoftwareVersion`. Example: "Houdini FX" :return: String product name """ return self._product @property def display_name(self): """ Name to use for this :class`SoftwareVersion` in graphical displays. :returns: String display name, a combination of the product and version. """ return "%s %s" % (self.product, self.version) @property def path(self): """ Specified path to the DCC executable. May be relative. :returns: String path """ return self._path @property def icon(self): """ Path to the icon to use for graphical displays of this :class:`SoftwareVersion`. Expected to be a 256x256 (or smaller) `png` file. :returns: String path """ return self._icon_path @property def args(self): """ Command line arguments required to launch the DCC. :returns: List of string arguments. """ return self._args
[docs]class LaunchInformation(object): """ Stores blueprints for how to launch a specific DCC which includes required environment variables, the executable path, and command line arguments to pass when launching the DCC. For example, given a LaunchInformation instance ``launch_info``, open a DCC using ``subprocess``:: >>> launch_cmd = "%s %s" % (launch_info.path, launch_info.args) >>> subprocess.Popen([launch_cmd], env=launch_info.environment) A LaunchInformation instance is generally obtained from an engine's subclass implementation of :meth:`SoftwareLauncher.prepare_launch`` """ def __init__(self, path=None, args=None, environ=None): """ :param str path: Resolved path to DCC :param str args: Args to pass on the command line when launching the DCC :param dict environ: Environment variables that must be set to successfully launch the DCC. """ # Initialize members self._path = path self._args = args or "" self._environment = environ or {} @property def path(self): """ The DCC path to launch :returns: String path """ return self._path @property def args(self): """ Arguments to pass to the DCC on launch :returns: String args """ return self._args @property def environment(self): """ Dictionary of environment variables to set before launching DCC. :returns: Dict {env_var: value} """ return self._environment