Source code for tank.platform.framework

# Copyright (c) 2013 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.

Defines the base class for all Tank Frameworks.


import os

from ..util.loader import load_plugin
from . import constants

from ..errors import TankError
from .bundle import TankBundle
from . import validation

[docs]class Framework(TankBundle): """ Base class for a Toolkit Framework """ def __init__(self, engine, descriptor, settings, env): """ Called by the bundle loading framework. The constructor is not meant to be overridden by deriving classes. :param engine: The engine instance to connect this fw to :type engine: :class:`Engine` :param app_name: The short name of this framework (e.g. tk-framework-widget) :param settings: a settings dictionary for this fw :param env: the environment that the framework belongs to """ self.__engine = engine # create logger for this app # log will be parented in a sgtk.env.environment_name.engine_instance_name.framework_name hierarchy logger = self.__engine.get_child_logger(descriptor.system_name) # init base class TankBundle.__init__( self, engine.tank, engine.context, settings, descriptor, env, logger ) def __repr__(self): return "<Sgtk Framework 0x%08x: %s, engine: %s>" % ( id(self),, self.engine, ) def _destroy_framework(self): """ Called by the parent classes when it is time to destroy this framework """ # destroy all our (non-shared) frameworks for fw in self.frameworks.values(): if not fw.is_shared: fw._destroy_framework() # and destroy self self.log_debug("Destroying %s" % self) self.destroy_framework() ########################################################################################## # Public methods and properties @property def shotgun(self): """ Returns a Shotgun API handle associated with the currently running environment. This method is a convenience method that calls out to :meth:`~sgtk.Tank.shotgun`. :returns: Shotgun API handle """ # pass on information to the user agent manager which bundle is returning # this sg handle. This information will be passed to the web server logs # in the shotgun data centre and makes it easy to track which app and engine versions # are being used by clients try: self.tank.shotgun.tk_user_agent_handler.set_current_framework(, self.version,, self.engine.version ) except AttributeError: # looks like this sg instance for some reason does not have a # tk user agent handler associated. pass return self.tank.shotgun @property def engine(self): """ The engine that this framework is connected to """ return self.__engine @property def is_shared(self): """ Boolean indicating whether this is a shared framework. Frameworks are shared by default and this is a setting that can be controlled by the bundle manifest. When a framework is shared, a single copy of the code is shared across all apps that use it. All apps will cut their framework instances from the same code. Any global state within the framework will be shared across all framework instances, and hence across all different apps. If your framework manages complex global state that you want to control precisely, it may be useful to set the framework to be not shared in the ``info.yml`` manifest file. This will ensure that each bundle that uses the framework will maintain it's own private version of the framework code. """ return self.descriptor.is_shared_framework()
[docs] def get_metrics_properties(self): """ Returns a dictionary with properties to use when emitting a metric event for this framework in the current engine. Frameworks don't have any particular properties and just return the result of :meth:`Engine.get_metrics_properties`. :returns: Dictionary as per above. """ # Please note that before we used to log some framework information as well # Now we just add the engine information. properties = self.engine.get_metrics_properties() return properties
########################################################################################## # init and destroy
[docs] def init_framework(self): """ Implemented by deriving classes in order to initialize the app. Called by the engine as it loads the framework. """ pass
[docs] def destroy_framework(self): """ Implemented by deriving classes in order to tear down the framework. Called by the engine as it is being destroyed. """ pass
########################################################################################## # logging methods
[docs] def log_debug(self, msg): """ Logs a debug message. .. deprecated:: 0.18 Use :meth:`Engine.logger` instead. :param msg: Message to log. """ self.logger.debug(msg)
[docs] def log_info(self, msg): """ Logs an info message. .. deprecated:: 0.18 Use :meth:`Engine.logger` instead. :param msg: Message to log. """
[docs] def log_warning(self, msg): """ Logs an warning message. .. deprecated:: 0.18 Use :meth:`Engine.logger` instead. :param msg: Message to log. """ self.logger.warning(msg)
[docs] def log_error(self, msg): """ Logs an error message. .. deprecated:: 0.18 Use :meth:`Engine.logger` instead. :param msg: Message to log. """ self.logger.error(msg)
[docs] def log_exception(self, msg): """ Logs an exception message. .. deprecated:: 0.18 Use :meth:`Engine.logger` instead. :param msg: Message to log. """ self.logger.exception(msg)
################################################################################################### # # Helper methods for loading frameworks # def setup_frameworks(engine_obj, parent_obj, env, parent_descriptor): """ Checks if any frameworks are needed for the current item and in that case loads them - recursively """ # look into the environment, get descriptors for all frameworks that our item needs: framework_instance_names = validation.validate_and_return_frameworks( parent_descriptor, env ) # looks like all of the frameworks are valid! Load them one by one for fw_name, fw_inst_name in framework_instance_names: # fw_name refers to the name of the framework as specified in the info.yml # fw_inst_name refer to the name of the framework in the frameworks: section # of the environment. # # While we load the latter from the configuration file, application code does not # care about the instance name and want to access the framework using the # name specified in info.yml. engine_obj.logger.debug( "Registering instance %s as %s in %s", fw_inst_name, fw_name, parent_obj ) # load framework # this only occurs once per instance name for shared frameworks fw_obj = load_framework(engine_obj, env, fw_inst_name) # note! frameworks are keyed by their code name, not their instance name parent_obj.frameworks[fw_name] = fw_obj def load_framework(engine_obj, env, fw_instance_name): """ Validates, loads and initializes a framework. If the framework is available from the list of shared frameworks maintained by the engine then the shared framework is returned, otherwise a new instance of the framework will be returned. :param engine_obj: The engine instance to use when loading the framework :param env: The environment containing the framework instance to load :param fw_instance_name: The instance name of the framework (e.g. tk-framework-foo_v0.x.x) :returns: An initialized framework object. :raises: TankError if the framework can't be found, has an invalid configuration or fails to initialize. """ # see if we have a shared instance of the framework: fw = engine_obj._get_shared_framework(fw_instance_name) if fw: # win! return fw # get the framework descriptor descriptor = env.get_framework_descriptor(fw_instance_name) if not descriptor.exists_local(): raise TankError( "Cannot load Framework! %s does not exist on disk." % descriptor ) # Load the settings for the framework and validate them try: # check that the context contains all the info that the app needs validation.validate_context(descriptor, engine_obj.context) # make sure the current operating system platform is supported validation.validate_platform(descriptor) # get the app settings data and validate it. fw_schema = descriptor.configuration_schema fw_settings = env.get_framework_settings(fw_instance_name) validation.validate_settings( fw_instance_name, engine_obj.tank, engine_obj.context, fw_schema, fw_settings, ) except TankError as e: # validation error - probably some issue with the settings! raise TankError( "Framework configuration Error for %s: %s" % (fw_instance_name, e) ) except Exception as e: # code execution error in the validation. raise TankError("Could not validate framework %s: %s" % (fw_instance_name, e)) # load the framework # try: # initialize fw class fw = _create_framework_instance(engine_obj, descriptor, fw_settings, env) # if it's a shared framework then add it to the engine so we can re-use it # again in the future if needed: if fw.is_shared: # register this framework for reuse by other bundles engine_obj._register_shared_framework(fw_instance_name, fw) # load any frameworks required by the framework :) setup_frameworks(engine_obj, fw, env, descriptor) # and run the init fw.init_framework() # except Exception, e: # raise TankError("Framework %s failed to initialize: %s" % (descriptor, e)) return fw def _create_framework_instance(engine, descriptor, settings, env): """ Internal helper method. Returns an framework object given an engine and fw settings. :param engine: the engine this app should run in :param descriptor: descriptor for the fw :param settings: a settings dict to pass to the fw """ fw_folder = descriptor.get_path() plugin_file = os.path.join(fw_folder, constants.FRAMEWORK_FILE) # Instantiate the app class_obj = load_plugin(plugin_file, Framework) obj = class_obj(engine, descriptor, settings, env) return obj