Source code for tank.pipelineconfig_utils

# Copyright (c) 2013 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.

Encapsulates the pipeline configuration and helps navigate and resolve paths
across storages, configurations etc.

from __future__ import with_statement

import os

from tank_vendor import yaml

from . import constants
from . import LogManager

from .util import yaml_cache
from .util import StorageRoots
from .util import ShotgunPath
from .util.shotgun import get_deferred_sg_connection

from .errors import TankError

logger = LogManager.get_logger(__name__)

def has_core_descriptor(pipeline_config_path):
    Returns ``True`` if the pipeline configuration contains a core descriptor

    :param pipeline_config_path: path to a pipeline configuration root folder
    :return: ``True`` if the core descriptor file exists, ``False`` otherwise
    # probe by looking for the existence of a core api descriptor file
    return os.path.exists(_get_core_descriptor_file(pipeline_config_path))

def is_localized(pipeline_config_path):
    Returns true if the pipeline configuration contains a localized API

    :param pipeline_config_path: path to a pipeline configuration root folder
    :returns: true if localized, false if not
    # first, make sure that this path is actually a pipeline configuration
    # path. otherwise, it cannot be localized :)
    if not is_pipeline_config(pipeline_config_path):
        return False

    # look for a localized API by searching for a file
    api_file = os.path.join(
        pipeline_config_path, "install", "core", ""
    return os.path.exists(api_file)

def is_pipeline_config(pipeline_config_path):
    Returns true if the path points to the root of a pipeline configuration

    :param pipeline_config_path: path to a pipeline configuration root folder
    :returns: true if pipeline config, false if not
    # probe by looking for the existence of a key config file.
    config_folder = os.path.join(pipeline_config_path, "config")
    return StorageRoots.file_exists(config_folder)

def get_metadata(pipeline_config_path):
    Loads the pipeline config metadata (the pipeline_configuration.yml) file from disk.

    :param pipeline_config_path: path to a pipeline configuration root folder
    :returns: deserialized content of the file in the form of a dict.

    # now read in the pipeline_configuration.yml file
    cfg_yml = os.path.join(
        pipeline_config_path, "config", "core", constants.PIPELINECONFIG_FILE

        data = yaml_cache.g_yaml_cache.get(cfg_yml, deepcopy_data=False)
        if data is None:
            raise Exception("File contains no data!")
    except Exception as e:
        raise TankError(
            "Looks like a config file is corrupt. Please contact "
            "support! File: '%s' Error: %s" % (cfg_yml, e)
    return data

# Core API resolve utils

def get_core_descriptor(
    pipeline_config_path, shotgun_connection, bundle_cache_fallback_paths=None
    Returns a descriptor object for the uri/dict defined in the config's
    ``core_api.yml`` file (if it exists).

    If the config does not define a core descriptor file, then ``None`` will be

    :param str pipeline_config_path: The path to the pipeline configuration
    :param shotgun_connection: An open connection to shotgun
    :param bundle_cache_fallback_paths: bundle cache search path

    :return: A core descriptor object

    # avoid circular dependencies
    from .descriptor import Descriptor, create_descriptor, is_descriptor_version_missing

    descriptor_file_path = _get_core_descriptor_file(pipeline_config_path)

    if not os.path.exists(descriptor_file_path):
        return None

    # the core_api.yml contains info about the core:
    # | location:
    # |   name: tk-core
    # |   type: app_store
    # |   version: v0.16.34

    logger.debug("Found core descriptor file '%s'" % descriptor_file_path)

    # read the file first
    fh = open(descriptor_file_path, "rt")
        data = yaml.load(fh, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
        core_descriptor_dict = data["location"]
    except Exception as e:
        raise TankError(
            "Cannot read invalid core descriptor file '%s': %s"
            % (descriptor_file_path, e)

    # we have a core descriptor specification. Get a descriptor object for it
        "Config has a specific core defined in core/core_api.yml: %s"
        % core_descriptor_dict

    # when core is specified, check if it defines a specific version or not
    use_latest = is_descriptor_version_missing(core_descriptor_dict)

    return create_descriptor(
        fallback_roots=bundle_cache_fallback_paths or [],

def get_path_to_current_core():
    Returns the local path of the currently executing code, assuming that this code is
    located inside a standard toolkit install setup. If the code that is running is part
    of a localized pipeline configuration, the pipeline config root path
    will be returned, otherwise a 'studio' root will be returned.

    This method may not return valid results if there has been any symlinks set up as part of
    the install structure.

    :returns: string with path
    curr_os_core_root = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "..")
    if not os.path.exists(curr_os_core_root):
        full_path_to_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        raise TankError(
            "Cannot resolve the core configuration from the location of the Toolkit Code! "
            "This can happen if you try to move or symlink the Toolkit API. The "
            "Toolkit API is currently picked up from %s which is an "
            "invalid location." % full_path_to_file
    return curr_os_core_root

def _create_installed_config_descriptor(pipeline_config_path):
    Creates an InstalledConfigurationDescriptor for the pipeline configuration
    at the given location.

    :param str pipeline_config_path: Path to the installed pipeline configuration.

    :returns: An :class:`sgtk.descriptor.InstalledConfigurationDescriptor` instance.
    # Do a local import to avoid circular imports. This happens because descriptor_installed_config
    # and pipelineconfig_utils import each other. At some point we will refactor the functionality from
    # this file on the ConfigDescriptor objects and these circular includes won't be necessary anymore.
    from .descriptor import Descriptor, create_descriptor

    return create_descriptor(
        dict(path=pipeline_config_path, type="path"),

[docs]def get_core_python_path_for_config(pipeline_config_path): """ Returns the location of the Toolkit library associated with the given pipeline configuration. :param pipeline_config_path: path to a pipeline configuration :returns: Path to location where the Toolkit Python library associated with the config resides. :rtype: str """ return os.path.join( _create_installed_config_descriptor( pipeline_config_path ).associated_core_descriptor["path"], "python", )
def get_core_path_for_config(pipeline_config_path): """ Returns the core api install location associated with the given pipeline configuration. In the case of a localized PC, it just returns the given path. Otherwise, it resolves the location via the core_xxxx.cfg files. :param pipeline_config_path: path to a pipeline configuration :returns: Path to the studio location root or pipeline configuration root or None if not resolved """ try: # Associated core descriptor gives us the path to the <config-or-studio-root>/install/core # folder, so we'll strip out a few folders to get to the <config-or-studio-root> studio_folder = os.path.join( # <config-or-studio-root>/install/core _create_installed_config_descriptor( pipeline_config_path ).associated_core_descriptor["path"], # <config-or-studio-root>/install "..", # <config-or-studio-root>/ "..", ) studio_folder = os.path.normpath(studio_folder) return studio_folder except Exception: return None
[docs]def get_sgtk_module_path(): """ Returns the path to ``sgtk`` module. This path can be used by another process to update its ``PYTHONPATH`` and use the same ``sgtk`` module as the process invoking this method. For example, if the Toolkit core was installed at ``/home/user/.shotgun/bundle_cache/app_store/tk-core/v0.18.94``, the method would return ``/home/user/.shotgun/bundle_cache/app_store/tk-core/v0.18.94/python``. .. note:: This method can be invoked for cores that are part of a pipeline configuration, that lives inside the bundle cache or a development copy of the core. :returns: Path to the ``sgtk`` module on disk. """ pipelineconfig_utils_py_location = ( __file__ # tk-core/python/tank/ ) # If the path is not absolute, make it so. if not os.path.isabs(pipelineconfig_utils_py_location): pipelineconfig_utils_py_location = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), pipelineconfig_utils_py_location ) tank_folder = os.path.dirname( pipelineconfig_utils_py_location ) # tk-core/python/tank python_folder = os.path.dirname(tank_folder) # tk-core/python return python_folder
[docs]def get_python_interpreter_for_config(pipeline_config_path): """ Retrieves the path to the Python interpreter for a given pipeline configuration path. Each pipeline configuration has three (one for Windows, one for macOS and one for Linux) interpreter files that provide a path to the Python interpreter used to launch the ``tank`` command. If you require a `python` executable to launch a script that will use a pipeline configuration, it is recommended its associated Python interpreter. .. deprecated:: v0.18.94 You can now access the content of the ``interpreter_*.yml`` through the :meth:`ConfigDescriptor.python_interpreter` property. >>> engine = sgtk.platform.current_engine() >>> descriptor = engine.sgtk.configuration_descriptor >>> print descriptor.python_interpreter :param str pipeline_config_path: Path to the pipeline configuration root. :returns: Path to the Python interpreter for that configuration. :rtype: str :raises ~sgtk.descriptor.TankInvalidInterpreterLocationError: Raised if the interpreter in the interpreter file doesn't exist. :raises TankFileDoesNotExistError: Raised if the interpreter file can't be found. :raises TankNotPipelineConfigurationError: Raised if the pipeline configuration path is not a pipeline configuration. :raises TankInvalidCoreLocationError: Raised if the core location specified in core_xxxx.cfg does not exist. """ return _create_installed_config_descriptor(pipeline_config_path).python_interpreter
def resolve_all_os_paths_to_core(core_path): """ Given a core path on the current os platform, return paths for all platforms, as cached in the install_locations system file :returns: dictionary with keys linux2, darwin and win32 """ # @todo - refactor this to return a ShotgunPath return _get_install_locations(core_path).as_system_dict() def resolve_all_os_paths_to_config(pc_path): """ Given a pipeline configuration path on the current os platform, return paths for all platforms, as cached in the install_locations system file :returns: ShotgunPath object """ return _get_install_locations(pc_path) def get_config_install_location(path): """ Given a pipeline configuration, return the location on the current platform. Loads the location metadata file from install_location.yml This contains a reflection of the paths given in the pipeline config entity. Returns the path that has been registered for this pipeline configuration for the current OS. This is the path that has been defined in shotgun. This is useful when drive letter mappings or symlinks are being used to ensure a correct path resolution. This may return None if no path has been registered for the current os. :param path: Path to a pipeline configuration on disk. :returns: registered path, may be None. """ return _get_install_locations(path).current_os def _get_install_locations(path): """ Given a pipeline configuration OR core location, return paths on all platforms. :param path: Path to a pipeline configuration on disk. :returns: ShotgunPath object """ # basic sanity check if not os.path.exists(path): raise TankError("The core path '%s' does not exist on disk!" % path) # for other platforms, read in install_location location_file = os.path.join(path, "config", "core", "install_location.yml") # load the config file try: location_data = ( yaml_cache.g_yaml_cache.get(location_file, deepcopy_data=False) or {} ) except Exception as error: raise TankError( "Cannot load core config file '%s'. Error: %s" % (location_file, error) ) # do some cleanup on this file - sometimes there are entries that say "undefined" # or is just an empty string - turn those into null values linux_path = location_data.get("Linux") macosx_path = location_data.get("Darwin") win_path = location_data.get("Windows") # this file may contain environment variables. Try to expand these. if linux_path: linux_path = os.path.expandvars(linux_path) if macosx_path: macosx_path = os.path.expandvars(macosx_path) if win_path: win_path = os.path.expandvars(win_path) # lastly, sanity check the paths - sometimes these files contain non-path # values such as "None" or "unknown" if not linux_path or not linux_path.startswith("/"): linux_path = None if not macosx_path or not macosx_path.startswith("/"): macosx_path = None if not win_path or not (win_path.startswith("\\") or win_path[1] == ":"): win_path = None # sanitize data into a ShotgunPath and return data return ShotgunPath(win_path, linux_path, macosx_path) #################################################################################################################### # utils for determining core version numbers def get_currently_running_api_version(): """ Returns the version number string for the core API, based on the code that is currently executing. :returns: version string, e.g. 'v1.2.3'. 'unknown' if a version number cannot be determined. """ # read this from info.yml info_yml_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "info.yml") ) return _get_version_from_manifest(info_yml_path) def get_core_api_version(core_install_root): """ Returns the version string for the core api associated with this config. This method is 'forgiving' and in the case no associated core API can be found for this location, 'unknown' will be returned rather than an exception raised. :param core_install_root: Path to a core installation root, either the root of a pipeline configuration, or the root of a "bare" studio code location. :returns: version str e.g. 'v1.2.3', 'unknown' if no version could be determined. """ # now try to get to the info.yml file to get the version number info_yml_path = os.path.join(core_install_root, "install", "core", "info.yml") return _get_version_from_manifest(info_yml_path) def _get_version_from_manifest(info_yml_path): """ Helper method. Returns the version given a manifest. :param info_yml_path: path to manifest file. :returns: Always a string, 'unknown' if data cannot be found """ try: data = yaml_cache.g_yaml_cache.get(info_yml_path, deepcopy_data=False) or {} data = str(data.get("version", "unknown")) except Exception: data = "unknown" return data def _get_core_descriptor_file(pipeline_config_path): """ Helper method. Returns the path to the config's core_api.yml file. (May not exist) :param pipeline_config_path: path to the pipeline configuration on disk :return: A string path to the core_api.yml file within the config. """ return os.path.join( pipeline_config_path, "config", "core", constants.CONFIG_CORE_DESCRIPTOR_FILE )