Source code for tk_multi_publish2.api.manager

# Copyright (c) 2018 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.

import fnmatch

import sgtk

from .tree import PublishTree
from .plugins import CollectorPluginInstance, PublishPluginInstance

logger = sgtk.platform.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class PublishManager(object): """ This class is used for managing and executing publishes. """ __slots__ = [ "_bundle", "_logger", "_tree", "_collector_instance", "_processed_contexts", "_post_phase_hook", ] ############################################################################ # setting names CONFIG_COLLECTOR_HOOK_PATH = "collector" CONFIG_COLLECTOR_SETTINGS = "collector_settings" CONFIG_PLUGIN_DEFINITIONS = "publish_plugins" CONFIG_POST_PHASE_HOOK_PATH = "post_phase" ############################################################################ # special item property keys # this is the key we'll use to store a special property on items that # are collected via a file path. we can use this later on to determine which # items were added to the tree via path collection and what that original # path was (client code could add multiple items for a single path). PROPERTY_KEY_COLLECTED_FILE_PATH = "__collected_file_path__" ############################################################################ # instance methods def __init__(self, publish_logger=None): """ Initialize the manager. :param publish_logger: This is a standard python logger to use during publishing. A default logger will be provided if not supplied. This can be useful when implementing a custom UI, for example, with a specialized log handler (as is the case with the Publisher) """ # the current bundle (the publisher instance) self._bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle() # a logger to be used by the various collector/publish plugins self._logger = publish_logger or logger # the underlying tree representation of the items to publish self._tree = PublishTree() # collector instance for this context self._collector_instance = None # a lookup of context to publish plugins. self._processed_contexts = {} # initialize the collector plugin logger.debug("Loading collector plugin...") self._load_collector() # go ahead and load the plugins for the current context for efficiency logger.debug("Loading plugins for the current context...") self._load_publish_plugins(self._bundle.context) # load the phose phase hook logger.debug("Loading post phase hook...") post_phase_hook_path = self._bundle.get_setting( self.CONFIG_POST_PHASE_HOOK_PATH ) self._post_phase_hook = self._bundle.create_hook_instance( post_phase_hook_path, base_class=self._bundle.base_hooks.PostPhaseHook )
[docs] def collect_files(self, file_paths): """ Run the collection logic to populate the publish tree with items for each supplied path. Each path supplied to this method will be processed by the configured collector hook for the current context. The collector will create :ref:`publish-api-item` instances accordingly, each of which will be marked as :py:attr:`~.api.PublishItem.persistent`. :param list file_paths: A list of file paths to collect as items to publish. :returns: A list of the created :ref:`publish-api-item` instances. """ new_items = [] for file_path in file_paths: # get a list of all items in the tree prior to collection items_before = list(self.tree) if self._path_already_collected(file_path): logger.debug( "Skipping previously collected file path: '%s'" % (file_path,) ) else: logger.debug("Collecting file path: %s" % (file_path,)) # we supply the root item of the tree for parenting of items # that are collected. self._collector_instance.run_process_file( self.tree.root_item, file_path ) # get a list of all items in the tree after collection items_after = list(self.tree) # calculate which items are new new_file_items = list(set(items_after) - set(items_before)) if not new_file_items: logger.debug("No items collected for path: %s" % (file_path,)) continue # Mark new items as persistent and include the file path that was # used for collection as part of the item properties for file_item in new_file_items: if file_item.parent == self.tree.root_item: # only top-level items can be marked as persistent file_item.persistent = True[self.PROPERTY_KEY_COLLECTED_FILE_PATH] = file_path # attach the appropriate plugins to the new items self._attach_plugins(new_file_items) new_items.extend(new_file_items) return new_items
[docs] def collect_session(self): """ Run the collection logic to populate the tree with items to publish. This method will collect all session :ref:`publish-api-item` instances as defined by the configured collector hook for the current context. This will reestablish the state of the publish tree, recomputing everything. Any externally added file path items, or other items, marked as :py:attr:`~.api.PublishItem.persistent` will be retained. :returns: A list of the created :ref:`publish-api-item` instances. """ # this will clear the tree of all non-persistent items. self.tree.clear(clear_persistent=False) # get a list of all items in the tree prior to collection (this should # be only the persistent items) items_before = list(self.tree) # we supply the root item of the tree for parenting of items that # are collected. self._collector_instance.run_process_current_session(self.tree.root_item) # get a list of all items in the tree after collection items_after = list(self.tree) # calculate which items are new new_items = list(set(items_after) - set(items_before)) # attach the appropriate plugins to the new items if new_items: self._attach_plugins(new_items) return new_items
[docs] def load(self, path): """ Load a publish tree that was serialized and saved to disk. This is a convenience method that replaces the manager's underlying :ref:`publish-api-tree` with the deserialized contents stored in the supplied file. """ self._tree = PublishTree.load_file(path)
[docs] def save(self, path): """ Saves a publish tree to disk. """ self._tree.save_file(path)
def _process_tasks(self, task_generator, task_cb): """ Processes tasks returned by the generator and invokes the passed in callback on each. The result of the task callback will be forwarded back to the generator. :param task_genrator: Iterator on task to process. :param task_cb: Callable that will process a task. The signature is def task_cb(task): ... """ # calling code can supply its own generator for tasks to process. if not # supplied, we'll use our own generator. if not task_generator: task_generator = self._task_generator() # get the first task task = None try: task = next(task_generator) except StopIteration: pass # now begin iterating over tasks supplied by the generator while task: return_value = task_cb(task) # send the return_value and get the next task. this is a bit annoying # since send() returns the next value of the generator. which is why # we're using `while` instead of a for loop with the generator. try: task = task_generator.send(return_value) except StopIteration: break
[docs] def validate(self, task_generator=None): """ Validate items to be published. This is done by running the :meth:`~.base_hooks.PublishPlugin.validate` method on each task in the publish tree. A list of :class:`~PublishTask` instances that failed validation will be returned. An exception will be associated with every task that failed validation if one was raised. If no exception was raised, the second member of the tuple will be ``None``. By default, the method will iterate over the manager's publish tree, validating all active tasks on all active items. To process tasks in a different way (different order or different criteria) you can provide a custom ``task_generator`` that yields :class:`~PublishTask` instances. For example, to validate all items in the tree, without worrying about their active state: .. code-block:: python def all_tasks_generator(publish_tree): for item in publish_tree: for task in item.tasks: yield task publish_manager.validate(task_generator=all_tasks_generator) :param task_generator: A generator of :class:`~PublishTask` instances. :returns: A list of tuples of (:class:`~PublishTask`, optional :class:`Exception`) that failed to validate. """ # we'll use this to build a list of tasks that failed to validate failed_to_validate = [] def task_cb(task): error = None # do the actual validation and send the status back to the generator # so that it can react to the results. This is used, for example, by # the UI's generator to update the display of the task as it is # being processed. try: is_valid = task.validate() except Exception as e: is_valid = False error = e # if the task didn't validate, add it to the list of tasks that # failed. if not is_valid: failed_to_validate.append((task, error)) return (is_valid, error) self._process_tasks(task_generator, task_cb) # execute the post validate method of the phase phase hook self._post_phase_hook.post_validate( self.tree, ) return failed_to_validate
[docs] def publish(self, task_generator=None): """ Publish items in the tree. This is done by running the :meth:`~.base_hooks.PublishPlugin.publish` method on each task in the publish tree. By default, the method will iterate over the manager's publish tree, publishing all active tasks on all active items. To process tasks in a different way (different order or different criteria) you can provide a custom ``task_generator`` that yields :class:`~PublishTask` instances. For example, to publish all items in the tree that have a ``local_publish`` flag set in their properties dictionary, you could do the following: .. code-block:: python def local_tasks_generator(publish_tree): for item in publish_tree: if"local_publish"): for task in item.tasks: yield task publish_manager.publish(task_generator=local_tasks_generator) If an exception is raised by one of the published task, the publishing is aborted and the exception is raised back to the caller. :param task_generator: A generator of :class:`~PublishTask` instances. """ self._process_tasks(task_generator, lambda task: task.publish()) # execute the post publish method of the phase phase hook self._post_phase_hook.post_publish(self.tree)
[docs] def finalize(self, task_generator=None): """ Finalize items in the tree. This is done by running the :meth:`~.base_hooks.PublishPlugin.finalize` method on each task in the publish tree. By default, the method will iterate over the manager's publish tree, finalizing all active tasks on all active items. To process tasks in a different way (different order or different criteria) you can provide a custom ``task_generator`` that yields :class:`~PublishTask` instances. For example, to finalize all items in the tree that have a ``generate_report`` flag set in their properties dictionary, you could do the following: .. code-block:: python def report_tasks_generator(publish_tree): for item in publish_tree: if"generate_report"): for task in item.tasks: yield task publish_manager.finalize(task_generator=report_tasks_generator) If an exception is raised by one of the finalized task, the finalization is aborted and the exception is raised back to the caller. :param task_generator: A generator of :class:`~PublishTask` instances. """ self._process_tasks(task_generator, lambda task: task.finalize()) # execute the post finalize method of the phase phase hook self._post_phase_hook.post_finalize(self.tree)
@property def context(self): """Returns the execution context of the manager.""" return self._bundle.context @property def logger(self): """ Returns the manager's logger which is used during publish execution. """ return self._logger @property def collected_files(self): """ Returns a list of file paths for all items collected via the :meth:`~collect_files` method. """ collected_paths = [] for item in self.tree.persistent_items: if self.PROPERTY_KEY_COLLECTED_FILE_PATH in collected_paths.append([self.PROPERTY_KEY_COLLECTED_FILE_PATH] ) return collected_paths @property def tree(self): """ Returns the underlying :ref:`publish-api-tree` instance. :return: """ return self._tree ############################################################################ # protected methods def _attach_plugins(self, items): """ For each item supplied, given it's context, load the appropriate plugins and add any matching tasks. If any tasks exist on the supplied items, they will be removed. """ for item in items: # clear existing tasks for this item item.clear_tasks() logger.debug("Processing item: %s" % (item,)) item_context = item.context context_plugins = self._load_publish_plugins(item_context) logger.debug( "Offering %s plugins for context: %s" % (len(context_plugins), item_context) ) for context_plugin in context_plugins: logger.debug("Checking plugin: %s" % (context_plugin,)) if not self._item_filters_match(item, context_plugin): continue logger.debug("Running plugin acceptance method...") # item/filters matched. now see if the plugin accepts accept_data = context_plugin.run_accept(item) if accept_data.get("accepted"): logger.debug("Plugin accepted the item.") task = item.add_task(context_plugin) task.visible = accept_data.get("visible", True) = accept_data.get("checked", True) task.enabled = accept_data.get("enabled", True) else: logger.debug("Plugin did not accept the item.") def _item_filters_match(self, item, publish_plugin): """ Returns ``True`` if the supplied item's type specification matches the publish plugin's item filters. :param item: The item to compare :param publish_plugin: The publish plugin instance to compare """ for item_filter in publish_plugin.item_filters: if fnmatch.fnmatch(item.type_spec, item_filter): # there is a match! logger.debug( "Item %s with spec '%s' matches plugin filters: '%s'" % (item, item.type_spec, item_filter) ) return True # no filters match the item's type logger.debug( "Item %s with spec '%s' does not match any plugin filters: '%s'" % (item, item.type_spec, publish_plugin.item_filters) ) return False def _load_collector(self): """ Load the collector plugin for the current bundle configuration/context. """ collector_hook_path = self._bundle.get_setting(self.CONFIG_COLLECTOR_HOOK_PATH) collector_settings = self._bundle.get_setting(self.CONFIG_COLLECTOR_SETTINGS) self._collector_instance = CollectorPluginInstance( collector_hook_path, collector_settings, self.logger ) def _load_publish_plugins(self, context): """ Given a context, this method load the corresponding, configured publish plugins. """ # return the cached plugins if the context has already been processed if context in self._processed_contexts: return self._processed_contexts[context] engine = self._bundle.engine if context == self._bundle.context: # if the context matches the bundle, we don't need to do any extra # work since the settings are already accessible logger.debug("Finding publish plugin settings for context: %s" % (context,)) plugin_settings = self._bundle.get_setting(self.CONFIG_PLUGIN_DEFINITIONS) else: # load the plugins from the supplied context. this means executing # the pick environment hook and reading from disk. this is why we # cache the plugins. logger.debug( "Finding publish plugin settings via pick_environment for context: %s" % (context,) ) context_settings = sgtk.platform.engine.find_app_settings(,, self._bundle.sgtk, context, engine_instance_name=engine.instance_name, ) app_settings = None if len(context_settings) > 1: # There's more than one instance of that app for the engine # instance, so we'll need to deterministically pick one. We'll # pick the one with the same application instance name as the # current app instance. for settings in context_settings: if settings.get("app_instance") == self._bundle.instance_name: app_settings = settings.get("settings") elif len(context_settings) == 1: app_settings = context_settings[0].get("settings") if app_settings: plugin_settings = app_settings[self.CONFIG_PLUGIN_DEFINITIONS] else: logger.debug( "Could not find publish plugin settings for context: %s" % (context,) ) plugin_settings = [] # build up a list of all configured publish plugins here plugins = [] # create plugin instances for configured plugins for plugin_def in plugin_settings: logger.debug("Found publish plugin config: %s" % (plugin_def,)) publish_plugin_instance_name = plugin_def["name"] publish_plugin_hook_path = plugin_def["hook"] publish_plugin_settings = plugin_def["settings"] plugin_instance = PublishPluginInstance( publish_plugin_instance_name, publish_plugin_hook_path, publish_plugin_settings, self.logger, ) plugins.append(plugin_instance) logger.debug("Created publish plugin: %s" % (plugin_instance,)) # ensure the plugins are cached self._processed_contexts[context] = plugins return plugins def _path_already_collected(self, file_path): """ Returns ``True`` if the supplied file path has been collected into the tree already. ``False`` otherwise. """ # check each persistent item for a collected file path. if it matches # the supplied path, then the path has already been collected. for item in self.tree.persistent_items: if self.PROPERTY_KEY_COLLECTED_FILE_PATH in collected_path =[self.PROPERTY_KEY_COLLECTED_FILE_PATH] if collected_path == file_path: return True # no existing, persistent item was collected with this path return False def _task_generator(self): """ This method generates all active tasks for all active items in the publish tree and yields them to the caller. This is the default task generator used by validate, publish, and finalize if no custom task generator is supplied. """ self.logger.debug("Iterating over tasks...") for item in self.tree: if not logger.debug("Skipping item '%s' because it is inactive" % (item,)) continue if not item.tasks: logger.debug( "Skipping item '%s' because it has no tasks attached." % (item,) ) continue logger.debug("Processing item: %s" % (item,)) for task in item.tasks: if not logger.debug("Skipping inactive task: %s" % (task,)) continue status = yield task logger.debug("Task %s status: %s" % (task, status))