Source code for task_manager.background_task_manager

# Copyright (c) 2015 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
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Background task manager.

import sgtk
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore
from sgtk import TankError

from .background_task import BackgroundTask
from .worker_thread import WorkerThread
from .results_poller import ResultsDispatcher

# Set to True to enable extensive debug logging.
# Useful for debugging concurrency issues.
# Do not release with this setting set to True!

[docs]class BackgroundTaskManager(QtCore.QObject): """ Main task manager class. Manages a queue of tasks running them asynchronously through a pool of worker threads. The BackgroundTaskManager class itself is reentrant but not thread-safe so its methods should only be called from the thread it is created in. Typically this would be the main thread of the application. :signal task_completed(uid, group, result): Emitted when a task has been completed. The ``uid`` parameter holds the unique id associated with the task, the ``group`` is the group that the task is associated with and the ``result`` is the data returned by the task. :signal task_failed(uid, group, message, traceback_str): Emitted when a task fails for some reason. The ``uid`` parameter holds the unique id associated with the task, the ``group`` is the group that the task is associated with, the ``message`` is a short error message and the ``traceback_str`` holds a full traceback. :signal task_group_finished(group): Emitted when all tasks in a group have finished. The ``group`` is the group that has completed. """ # signal emitted when a task has been completed task_completed = QtCore.Signal(int, object, object) # uid, group, result # signal emitted when a task fails for some reason task_failed = QtCore.Signal(int, object, str, str) # uid, group, msg, traceback # signal emitted when all tasks in a group have finished task_group_finished = QtCore.Signal(object) # group def __init__(self, parent, start_processing=False, max_threads=8): """ :param parent: The parent QObject for this instance :type parent: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget` :param start_processing: If True then processing of tasks will start immediately :param max_threads: The maximum number of threads the task manager will use at any time. """ QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, parent) self._bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle() self._next_task_id = 0 self._next_group_id = 0 self._can_process_tasks = start_processing # the pending tasks, organized by priority self._pending_tasks_by_priority = {} # available threads and running tasks: self._max_threads = max_threads or 8 self._all_threads = [] self._available_threads = [] self._running_tasks = {} # various task look-up maps: self._tasks_by_id = {} self._group_task_map = {} # track downstream dependencies for tasks: self._upstream_task_map = {} self._downstream_task_map = {} # Create the results dispatcher self._results_dispatcher = ResultsDispatcher(self) self._results_dispatcher.task_completed.connect( self._on_worker_thread_task_completed ) self._results_dispatcher.task_failed.connect(self._on_worker_thread_task_failed) self._results_dispatcher.start()
[docs] def next_group_id(self): """ Return the next available group id :returns: A unique group id to be used for tasks that belong to the same group. """ group_id = self._next_group_id self._next_group_id += 1 return group_id
def _low_level_debug_log(self, msg): """ Wrapper method for logging *detailed* info to debug. This is disabled by default but can be useful to enable for example when debugging issues around concurrency. In order to enable it, set the ENABLE_DETAILED_DEBUG constant at the top of this file to True. :param msg: The message to be logged. """ if ENABLE_DETAILED_DEBUG: self._debug_log(msg) def _debug_log(self, msg): """ Wrapper method for logging useful information to debug. :param msg: The message to be logged. """ self._bundle.log_debug("Task Manager: %s" % msg)
[docs] def start_processing(self): """ Start processing of tasks """ self._can_process_tasks = True self._start_tasks()
[docs] def pause_processing(self): """ Pause processing of tasks - any currently running tasks will complete as normal. """ self._can_process_tasks = False
# and just let the current threads complete...
[docs] def shut_down(self): """ Shut down the task manager. This clears the task queue and gracefully stops all running threads. Completion/failure of any currently running tasks will be ignored. """ self._debug_log("Shutting down...") self._can_process_tasks = False # stop all tasks: self.stop_all_tasks() # shut down all worker threads: self._debug_log( "Waiting for %d background threads to stop..." % len(self._all_threads) ) for thread in self._all_threads: thread.shut_down() self._available_threads = [] self._all_threads = [] # Shut down the dispatcher thread self._results_dispatcher.shut_down() self._debug_log("Shut down successfully!")
[docs] def add_task( self, cbl, priority=None, group=None, upstream_task_ids=None, task_args=None, task_kwargs=None, ): """ Add a new task to the queue. A task is a callable method/class together with any arguments that should be passed to the callable when it is called. :param cbl: The callable function/class to call when executing the task :param priority: The priority this task should be run with. Tasks with higher priority are run first. :param group: The group this task belongs to. Task groups can be used to simplify task management (e.g. stop a whole group, be notified when a group is complete) :param upstream_task_ids: A list of any upstream tasks that should be completed before this task is run. The results from any upstream tasks are appended to the kwargs for this task. :param task_args: A list of unnamed parameters to be passed to the callable when running the task :param task_kwargs: A dictionary of named parameters to be passed to the callable when running the task :returns: A unique id representing the task. """ if not callable(cbl): raise TankError( "The task function, method or object '%s' must be callable!" % cbl ) upstream_task_ids = set(upstream_task_ids or []) # create a new task instance: task_id = self._next_task_id self._next_task_id += 1 new_task = BackgroundTask(task_id, cbl, group, priority, task_args, task_kwargs) # add the task to the pending queue: # If priority is None, then use 0 so when we sort we're only comparing integers. # Python 3 raises an error when comparing int with NoneType. self._pending_tasks_by_priority.setdefault(priority or 0, []).append(new_task) # add tasks to various look-ups: self._tasks_by_id[new_task.uid] = new_task self._group_task_map.setdefault(group, set()).add(new_task.uid) # keep track of the task dependencies: self._upstream_task_map[new_task.uid] = upstream_task_ids for us_task_id in upstream_task_ids: self._downstream_task_map.setdefault(us_task_id, set()).add(new_task.uid) self._low_level_debug_log("Added Task %s to the queue" % new_task) # and start the next task: self._start_tasks() return new_task.uid
[docs] def add_pass_through_task( self, priority=None, group=None, upstream_task_ids=None, task_kwargs=None ): """ Add a pass-through task to the queue. A pass-through task doesn't perform any work but can be useful when synchronising other tasks (e.g. pulling the results from multiple upstream tasks into a single task) :param priority: The priority this task should be run with. Tasks with higher priority are run first. :param group: The group this task belongs to. Task groups can be used to simplify task management (e.g. stop a whole group, be notified when a group is complete). A group is expressed as a string, for example 'thumbnails', 'IO' or 'shotgun'. :param upstream_task_ids: A list of any upstream tasks that should be completed before this task is run. The results from any upstream tasks are appended to the kwargs for this task. :param task_kwargs: A dictionary of named parameters that will be appended to the result of the pass-through task. :returns: A unique id representing the task. """ return self.add_task( self._task_pass_through, priority, group, upstream_task_ids, task_kwargs=task_kwargs, )
[docs] def stop_task(self, task_id, stop_upstream=True, stop_downstream=True): """ Stop the specified task from running. If the task is already running then it will complete but the completion/failure signal will be ignored. :param task_id: The id of the task to stop :param stop_upstream: If true then all upstream tasks will also be stopped :param stop_downstream: If true then all downstream tasks will also be stopped """ task = self._tasks_by_id.get(task_id) if task is None: return self._low_level_debug_log("Stopping Task %s..." % task) self._stop_tasks([task], stop_upstream, stop_downstream) self._low_level_debug_log(" > Task %s stopped!" % task)
[docs] def stop_task_group(self, group, stop_upstream=True, stop_downstream=True): """ Stop all tasks in the specified group from running. If any tasks are already running then they will complete but their completion/failure signals will be ignored. :param group: The task group to stop :param stop_upstream: If true then all upstream tasks will also be stopped :param stop_downstream: If true then all downstream tasks will also be stopped """ task_ids = self._group_task_map.get(group) if task_ids is None: return self._low_level_debug_log("Stopping Task group %s..." % group) tasks_to_stop = [] for task_id in task_ids: task = self._tasks_by_id.get(task_id) if task: tasks_to_stop.append(task) del self._group_task_map[group] self._stop_tasks(tasks_to_stop, stop_upstream, stop_downstream) self._low_level_debug_log(" > Task group %s stopped!" % group)
[docs] def stop_all_tasks(self): """ Stop all currently queued or running tasks. If any tasks are already running then they will complete but their completion/failure signals will be ignored. """ self._debug_log("Stopping all tasks...") # we just need to clear all the lookups: self._running_tasks = {} self._pending_tasks_by_priority = {} self._tasks_by_id = {} self._group_task_map = {} self._upstream_task_map = {} self._downstream_task_map = {} self._debug_log(" > All tasks stopped!")
def _stop_tasks(self, tasks_to_stop, stop_upstream, stop_downstream): """ Stop the specified list of tasks :param tasks_to_stop: A list of tasks to stop :param stop_upstream: If true then all upstream tasks will also be stopped :param stop_downstream: If true then all downstream tasks will also be stopped """ if not tasks_to_stop: return # copy the task list as we'll be modifying it: tasks_to_stop = list(tasks_to_stop) # and make sure we only stop each task once!! stopped_task_ids = set([task.uid for task in tasks_to_stop]) while tasks_to_stop: task_to_stop = tasks_to_stop.pop(0) # get the up & downstream tasks to also stop depending on the flags: if stop_upstream and task_to_stop.uid in self._upstream_task_map: for us_task_id in self._upstream_task_map[task_to_stop.uid]: us_task = self._tasks_by_id.get(us_task_id) if not us_task or us_task.uid in stopped_task_ids: # no task or already found continue tasks_to_stop.append(us_task) stopped_task_ids.add(us_task_id) if stop_downstream and task_to_stop.uid in self._downstream_task_map: for ds_task_id in self._downstream_task_map[task_to_stop.uid]: ds_task = self._tasks_by_id.get(ds_task_id) if not ds_task or ds_task.uid in stopped_task_ids: # no task or already found continue tasks_to_stop.append(ds_task) stopped_task_ids.add(ds_task_id) # remove the task: self._remove_task(task_to_stop) def _get_worker_thread(self): """ Get a worker thread to use. :returns: An available worker thread if there is one, a new thread if needed or None if the thread limit has been reached. """ if self._available_threads: # we can just use one of the available threads: return self._available_threads.pop() # no available threads so lets check our thread count: thread_count = len(self._all_threads) if thread_count >= self._max_threads: # no available threads left! return None # create a new worker thread - note, there are two different implementations of the WorkerThread class # that use two different recipes. Although WorkerThreadB is arguably more correct it has some issues # in PyQt so WorkerThread is currently preferred - see the notes in the class above for further details thread = WorkerThread(self._results_dispatcher) if not isinstance(thread, WorkerThread): # for some reason (probably memory corruption somewhere else) I've occasionally seen the above # creation of a worker thread return another arbitrary object! Added this in here so the code # will at least continue correctly and not do unexpected things! self._bundle.log_error( "Failed to create background worker thread for task Manager!" ) return None self._all_threads.append(thread) # start the thread - this will just put it into wait mode: thread.start() # log some debug: self._debug_log( "Started new background worker thread (num threads=%d)" % len(self._all_threads) ) return thread def _start_tasks(self): """ Start any queued tasks that are startable if there are available threads to run them. """ # start tasks until we fail to start one for whatever reason: started = True while started: started = self._start_next_task() def _start_next_task(self): """ Start the next task in the queue if there is a task that is startable and there is an available thread to run it. :returns: True if a task was started, otherwise False """ if not self._can_process_tasks: return False # figure out next task to start from the priority queue: task_to_process = None priorities = sorted(self._pending_tasks_by_priority, reverse=True) for priority in priorities: # iterate through the tasks and make sure we aren't waiting on the # completion of any upstream tasks: for task in self._pending_tasks_by_priority[priority]: awaiting_upstream_task_completion = False for us_task_id in self._upstream_task_map.get(task.uid, []): if us_task_id in self._tasks_by_id: # if the task is still in the tasks list then we're still awaiting # completion of it! awaiting_upstream_task_completion = True break if awaiting_upstream_task_completion: continue # ok, we've found the next task to process: task_to_process = task break if task_to_process: # no need to look any further! break if not task_to_process: # nothing to do! return False # we need a thread to do the work with: thread = self._get_worker_thread() if not thread: # looks like we can't do anything! return False self._low_level_debug_log("Starting task %r" % task_to_process) # ok, we have a thread so lets move the task from the priority queue to the running list: self._pending_tasks_by_priority[priority].remove(task_to_process) if not self._pending_tasks_by_priority[priority]: # no more tasks with this priority so also clean up the list del self._pending_tasks_by_priority[priority] self._running_tasks[task_to_process.uid] = (task_to_process, thread) num_tasks_left = 0 for pending_tasks in self._pending_tasks_by_priority.values(): num_tasks_left += len(pending_tasks) self._low_level_debug_log( " > Currently running tasks: '%s' - %d left in queue" % (list(self._running_tasks.keys()), num_tasks_left) ) # and run the task thread.run_task(task_to_process) return True def _on_worker_thread_task_completed(self, worker_thread, task, result): """ Slot triggered when a task is completed by a worker thread. This processes the result and emits the task_completed signal if needed. :param worker_thread: Thread that completed the task. :param task: The task that completed :param result: The task result """ try: # check that we should process this result: if task.uid in self._running_tasks: self._low_level_debug_log("Task %r - completed" % (task)) # if we have dependent tasks then update them: for ds_task_id in self._downstream_task_map.get(task.uid, []): ds_task = self._tasks_by_id.get(ds_task_id) if not ds_task: continue # update downstream task with result ds_task.append_upstream_result(result) # remove the task: group_finished = self._remove_task(task) # emit signal that this task is completed: self.task_completed.emit(task.uid,, result) if group_finished: # also emit signal that the entire group is completed: self.task_group_finished.emit( finally: # move this task thread to the available threads list: self._available_threads.append(worker_thread) # start processing of the next task: self._start_tasks() def _on_worker_thread_task_failed(self, worker_thread, task, msg, tb): """ Slot triggered when a task being executed in by a worker thread has failed for some reason. This processes the task and emits the task_failed signal if needed. :param worker_thread: Thread that completed the task. :param task: The task that failed :param msg: The error message for the failed task :param tb: The stack-trace for the failed task """ try: # check that we should process this task: if task.uid in self._running_tasks: self._debug_log("Task %r - failed: %s\n%s" % (task, msg, tb)) # we need to emit the failed message for this task as well as any that have # upstream dependencies on this task! failed_tasks = [task] failed_task_ids = set([task.uid]) finished_groups = set() while failed_tasks: failed_task = failed_tasks.pop(0) # find any downstream tasks: for ds_task_id in ( self._downstream_task_map.get(failed_task.uid) or [] ): ds_task = self._tasks_by_id.get(ds_task_id) if not ds_task or ds_task.uid in failed_task_ids: # no task or already found continue failed_tasks.append(ds_task) failed_task_ids.add(ds_task.uid) # remove the task: group_finished = self._remove_task(failed_task) # emit failed signal for the failed task: self.task_failed.emit(failed_task.uid,, msg, tb) if group_finished and not in finished_groups: self.task_group_finished.emit( finished_groups.add( finally: # move this task thread to the available threads list: self._available_threads.append(worker_thread) # start processing of the next task: self._start_tasks() def _remove_task(self, task): """ Remove the specified task from the queue. :param task: The task to remove from the queue """ group_completed = False # fist remove from the running tasks - this will stop any signals being handled for this task if task.uid in self._running_tasks: del self._running_tasks[task.uid] # find and remove the task from the pending queue: if task.priority in self._pending_tasks_by_priority: for p_task in self._pending_tasks_by_priority.get(task.priority, []): if p_task.uid == task.uid: self._pending_tasks_by_priority[task.priority].remove(p_task) break if not self._pending_tasks_by_priority[task.priority]: del self._pending_tasks_by_priority[task.priority] # remove this task from all other maps: if ( in self._group_task_map and task.uid in self._group_task_map[] ): self._group_task_map[].remove(task.uid) if not self._group_task_map[]: group_completed = True del self._group_task_map[] if task.uid in self._tasks_by_id: del self._tasks_by_id[task.uid] if task.uid in self._upstream_task_map: del self._upstream_task_map[task.uid] if task.uid in self._downstream_task_map: del self._downstream_task_map[task.uid] return group_completed def _task_pass_through(self, **kwargs): """ Pass-through task callable. Simply returns the input kwargs as the result :param **kwargs: The named arguments for the task :returns: A dictionary containing the named input arguments. """ return kwargs