Source code for shotgun_model.simple_shotgun_model

# Copyright (c) 2013 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.

from .shotgun_model import ShotgunModel

[docs]class SimpleShotgunModel(ShotgunModel): """ Convenience wrapper around the Shotgun model for quick and easy access. Use this when you want to prototype data modeling or if your are looking for a simple flat data set reflecting a shotgun query. All you need to do is to instantiate the class (typically once, in your constructor) and then call :meth:`load_data` to specify which shotgun query to load up in the model. Subsequently call :meth:`load_data` whenever you wish to change the Shotgun query associated with the model. This class derives from :class:`ShotgunModel` so all the customization methods available in the normal :class:`ShotgunModel` can also be subclassed from this class. """ def __init__(self, parent, bg_task_manager=None): """ :param parent: QWidget which this model will be parented under. :type parent: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget` :param bg_task_manager: Background task manager to use for any asynchronous work. If this is None then a task manager will be created as needed. :type bg_task_manager: :class:`~task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager` """ ShotgunModel.__init__( self, parent=parent, download_thumbs=True, bg_load_thumbs=True, bg_task_manager=bg_task_manager, )
[docs] def load_data( self, entity_type, filters=None, fields=None, order=None, limit=None, columns=None, additional_filter_presets=None, editable_columns=None, ): """ Loads shotgun data into the model, using the cache if possible. The model is not nested and the first field that is specified via the fields parameter (``code`` by default) will be used as the default name for all model items. :param entity_type: Shotgun Entity Type to load data for :param filters: Shotgun API find-style filter list. If no list is specified, all records for the given entity type will be retrieved. :param fields: List of Shotgun fields to retrieve. If not spefified, the 'code' field will be retrieved. :param order: Order clause for the Shotgun data. Standard Shotgun API syntax. Note that this is an advanced parameter which is meant to be used in subclassing only. The model itself will be ordered by its default display name, and if any other type of ordering is desirable, use for example a QProxyModel to handle this. However, knowing in which order results will arrive from Shotgun can be beneficial if you are doing grouping, deferred loading and aggregation of data as part of your subclassed implementation. :param limit: Limit the number of results returned from Shotgun. In conjunction with the order parameter, this can be used to effectively cap the data set that the model is handling, allowing a user to for example show the twenty most recent notes or similar. :param list columns: List of Shotgun fields names to use to populate the model columns :param additional_filter_presets: List of Shotgun filter presets to apply, e.g. ``[{"preset_name":"LATEST","latest_by":"BY_PIPELINE_STEP_NUMBER_AND_ENTITIES_CREATED_AT"}]`` :param list editable_columns: A subset of ``columns`` that will be editable in views that use this model. """ filters = filters or [] fields = fields or ["code"] hierarchy = [fields[0]] ShotgunModel._load_data( self, entity_type, filters, hierarchy, fields, order=order, limit=limit, columns=columns, additional_filter_presets=additional_filter_presets, editable_columns=editable_columns, ) self._refresh_data()